Geoff Carens geoff.carens at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 08:26:57 PST 2013

Dear All,

Since August 18, 5 IWW members have been fired from Insomnia Cookies for
union activity. Despite a spontaneous strike and a series of demonstrations
at local stores, the company continues to pay poverty wages, selling
cookies for $1.35 that cost .10 to make. Some employees report being denied
the breaks required by law, while others, scraping by on minimum wage, have
to supply their own money to make change for customers. Insomnia is known
not to provide Workers' Comp, and managers even blame bike delivery workers
when they get hurt in traffic. Join us as we PICKET to keep the heat on
Insomnia. We'll gather this evening starting at 9:30 pm, at Insomnia's
Harvard Square location, 65 Mt. Auburn St, just 2 blocks from the Harvard
Red Line MBTA station.

*P**hone/email zap*: On 10/24/13, Insomnia Cookies employee Tommy Mendes
told his boss he was an IWW member. The next day he was suspended without
pay, and on 10/31/13 he was terminated in retaliation for union activity!
Feel free to email Tommy's boss Ryan right now, at
ryand at insomniacookies.comand let him know Tommy should be reinstated
with back pay! Call CEO Seth
Berkowitz at (877) 632-6654 and let him know how you feel about Tommy's
retaliatory firing.

You can hear Tommy Mendes, and IWW Striker Jonathan Pena, describe the
fight for justice at Insomnia
To contribute to the Insomnia Cookies Workers' Strike Fund, please click
here <https://www.wepay.com/donations/1952435343>. Find regular updates on
the Insomnia Campaign here <http://iwwboston.org/>. Insomnia workers'
demands include $15/hr, health care, and the ability to form a union
without interference from the company.

In Solidarity,

Geoff for the Industrial Workers of the World / IWW <http://www.iww.org/>

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