[act-ma] Anarchist Reading Group, Bakunin, January 16, 7pm

EJ Kobek ejkobek at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 17:15:09 PST 2013

For January we're reading about the influential revolutionary and prolific
writer Mikhail Bakunin.

We're meeting at a home in East Cambridge.  Call (not text) 617-492-2340 to
RSVP and for address.

Main Reading: Demanding the Impossible: a History of Anarchism by Peter
Marshall, chapter 18.  There are copies available through the Minuteman
Library system (Cambridge, Somerville) and online:

Supplemental reading:

Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Volume One  -
numerous excerpts from Bakunin's works.- Copies at the Boston Public
Library.  On-line at:

Wikipedia entry on Bakunin

*Bakunin on anarchism* / edited, translated and with an introduction by Sam

*The Basic Bakunin: Writings 1869-1871*, ed. Robert M. Cutler

God and the State by Mikhail Bakunin

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