[act-ma] Center for Marxist Education May Events

Casey Doyle cdoyle1477 at gmail.com
Wed May 7 13:02:33 PDT 2014

*Events and Hours*

Center for Marxist Education | 550 Mass Ave, Cambridge

All Events are free and open to the pubilc

*China Discussion Group*
*Rebooting the Empire: Obama's Asia trip *
Thursday, May 8th - 7 to 8:30 PM

US capitalism strives to maintain a dominant position in the Asia/Pacific
region.  President Obama in April visited Japan, South Korea and
Philippines, three key military partners in the US strategy to build its
military presence in the region.  The goal is to contain rising China
militarily and economically.  Obama also pitched the stalled Trans Pacific
Partnership, the stalled giant neoliberal trade deal, in Malaysia and

The China Discussion group will report on the tour and examine the Chinese
perspective.  Discussion will focus on the "three hotspots" of tension and
potential conflict: Korea, and the East and South China Seas.  Will the US
be successful in the "Pivot" to draw down from Iraq and Afghanistan and
refocus on Asia/Pacific?  Is conflict with China on the horizon?


*Single-payer Health Series*
Hosted by Sandy Eaton, RN

*Session 2 of 4*
*Massachusetts Miracle: Access to Insurance, Not Access to Care*
Monday, May 12th - 7 to 9 PM

Neoliberal laboratory: deregulation and privatization, putting “all the
scorpions in a bottle” to see who will survive. Rich institutions grow
fatter. Poor institution go under, are taken over, or teeter on the edge.
Communities suffer and people die. Reform movements try new tactics.
Mass-Care turns its face to the working class.
A reading list with links will be posted online and on Facebook

*Sunday Film & Discussion Night*

Hosted by Richard Pendleton

Please join us on the following Sundays for showing of various movies and
documentaries followed by a discussion on the evening’s topic


Sunday, May 11th  6PM

Film director Jonathan Silvers takes the helm of this documentary exploring
the 100th anniversary of Michigan's Copper County strike, where the
divisions between rich and poor, management and labor were so severe that
union supporters (including 73 of their children) were killed in an
officially yet-unsolved auditorium massacre. Issues of unsafe conditions,
unchecked corporate power and immigration were the questions of 1913 but
sound is if they could have been ripped from the pages of today's papers.
60 minutes. 2013.


Sunday, May 25th  6PM

On the 20th anniversary of its original release, The FBI's War on Black
America is being made available on DVD for the first time.
Co-produced/Co-directed by Deb Ellis and Denis Meuller (directors of Howard
Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train), The FBI's War on Black
America looks at a dark period in our country's history. The film is a
documentary exploration of the lives and deaths of people targeted by the
US government's COINTELPRO program, an FBI launched program aimed against
organized efforts by African-Americans to gain rights guaranteed by our
constitution. Includes both archival footage and contemporary interviews
with people involved in the movement.

The FBI's War on Black America offers a thought provoking look at a
government-sanctioned conspiracy, the FBI's counter intelligence program
known as Cointelpro. This documentary establishes historical perspective on
the measures initiated by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI which aimed to
discredit black political figures and forces of the late 1960's and early
1970's. 50 minutes. 2009.

*Book Discussions*

An Open Discussion of Michelle Alexander’s Book "The New Jim Crow:
Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness"
 Wednesday, May 21st 6:30-8:30 PM

Join us at the CME for an open discussion of Michelle Alexander's
influential book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness," facilitated by Joe Ramsey.  In the wake of the "Jobs not
Jails" rally here in Boston, and in light of an emerging social movement to
expose and to challenge the current system of mass incarceration in the US,
it is imperative that we grasp the roots of the current situation.
Alexander's book provides an accessible and insightful starting point. This
event is free and open to all!

Learning from the Praxis of the Black Panther Party
A Discussion of Revolution & Education
Wednesday May 28, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Join us at the CME for an open a discussion of Bloom and Martin's recent
study, Black Against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther
Party, facilitated by Joe Ramsey.  We'll be looking closely at the early
educational and organizational experiences of Panther founders, Huey Newton
and Bobby Seale--among other issues.  How did these two Oakland-based
community college students come to the point of inspiring a mass-based
revolutionary movement?  What can revolutionaries today learn from their
experiences, their writings, and the legacies of their praxis? What is the
proper way to conceive of revolutionary education (or revolutionary
leadership) today?  What does the BPP still have to teach us, positively
and negatively?  Where is the Huey Newton or Bobby Seale of today?  Is that
the wrong question to be asking?  What's the right question?  All are
welcome to attend!

SCRUTINY Poetry SCRUTINY: Poetry, Thought, Politics  (III)
Ruth Jennison and Jordana Rosenberg

Saturday, May 24th  3-5pm

Scholar-activists Ruth Jennison and Jordana Rosenberg (from the University
of Massachusetts-Amherst) will read from their recent works on the politics
of capitalism, crisis, and resistance.  Join us for a lively discussion for
the relationship between poetry and politics!

*Spring Hours*

Monday - 4pm to 8pm

Tuesday - 4pm - 8pm

Wednesday 4pm - 8pm

Thursday 6pm - 8pm

Center for Marxist Education | 550 Mass Ave, Cambridge

For updated information on hours and events please follow us on facebook at:


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