[act-ma] June 9: Sure to be interesting! An Evening with Chris Hedges in Jamaica Plain

Amy Hendrickson amyh at texnology.com
Tue May 20 11:13:20 PDT 2014





Dear Common Dreamer,

  <http://action.commondreams.org/images/Chris%20Hedges%202.jpg> If you live in the Boston area -- or within striking distance of Jamaica Plain -- we invite you to join other Common Dreams readers and our friends at the Jamaica Plain Forum <http://jamaicaplainforum.org/2014/02/01/hedges/>  for an evening with award-winning journalist and social critic Chris Hedges on Monday, June 9th at 7 pm.

As one of our key contributors over the years and a celebrated author of numerous books, Hedges will be discussing key themes from his recent writings which explore the destruction of the nation's underclass, the fast-moving assault on democratic institutions, and the desperate need for deeper and more radical forms of resistance.

In his most recent books, Death of the Liberal Class and Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, Hedges critiques those who have distorted their basic beliefs in order to support unfettered capitalism, the national security state, globalization, and staggering income inequalities. Hedges argues that the death of the liberal class has created a profound vacuum at the heart of American political life. As a result, speculators, war profiteers, and demagogues from militias to the Tea Party are filling the void -- and if the Left does not respond effectively and soon, the consequences will become increasingly dire.

The details follow:

What: An evening with Chris Hedges
Where: First Church  <http://www.firstchurchjp.org/> 
             Jamaica Plain, MA 
             6 Eliot Street (map <https://maps.google.com/maps?q=First+Church+In+Jamaica+Plain&fb=1&gl=us&hq=First+Church+JP,+6+Eliot+St&cid=0,0,8430554826992862331&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A>  / directions <http://www.firstchurchjp.org/directions-and-parking/> )
When: Monday, June 9th, 7pm-8:30pm 
Co-sponsors: Jamaica Plain Forum, Common Dreams
Cost: Admission is free (Though small donations welcome at the door)
RSVP: Those planning to attend can sign-up on the event's Facebook page  <https://www.facebook.com/events/1381519838760176/?ref_dashboard_filter=calendar> here.

It should be a thought-provoking and rabble-rousing evening, so we hope you can make it.


The Common Dreams staff

PS. For any questions about the event, please contact JPF at info [at] jamaicaplainforum [dot] org or see their  <http://jamaicaplainforum.org/2014/02/01/hedges/> website for details.


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