[act-ma] Seeking support for Sacco & Vanzetti march/rally 8/23

Sergio Reyes sreyes1 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 24 06:25:35 PDT 2014

Dear friends and comrades,

The Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society (SVCS) is a small organization that has been taking the case of the two Italian anarchists killed by the Commonwealth in 1927 to the streets of Boston since 2006. Since 2007 we have secured an annual proclamation by the City of Boston designating August 23rd. as Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Day. In recent years our comrades from the IWW have co-sponsored the event (and we hope this year they will do as well) directly and also in the past many socialist, anarchist and community organizations have endorsed our event.

This year we outright need your support to make this happen. We are asking people to save the date, Saturday, August 23 to gather at 2pm in front of the Boston Common Visitor Center and march to the Paul Revere Mall in the North End as we have done for many years. 

But, this will not be successful if you don't help us. Our group has been shrinking with the years, yet we still have the resolve to continue with this cause because it is a just cause.

Please consider endorsing and supporting the event and organizing for the event as an individual or as an organization.

Please contact us as soon as possible so that this struggle will continue!

For the SVCS and in the struggle,

Sergio Reyes

Email: info at saccoandvanzetti.org
Phone: 617-290-5614
Web page: http://www.saccoandvanzetti.org
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/saccoandvanzetti/

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