[act-ma] October 16th: Stories from the B-Side: Bisexual Voices

SpeakOut Boston speakoutboston at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 06:19:53 PDT 2014

*Stories from the B-Side: Bisexual Voices*

Thursday, October 16, 6-8:30pm

Program begins at 6:30

Cambridge Public Library, 449 Broadway

Lecture Hall & Community Room

Beyond the jokes and the misconceptions, bisexuality is a genuine sexual
orientation. Did you know that bisexuals represent half of the LGBT
population? Ellyn Ruthstrom, the executive director of SpeakOUT and
president of the Bisexual Resource Center, will make a short presentation
about bisexuality and then will moderate a panel of local speakers who will
share their personal stories with the audience. A lively Q&A will offer the
audience an opportunity to engage with the panelists. Reception with
refreshments will follow to offer more time for discussion and networking.

Tables will be available in the Community Room for LGBT organizations to
distribute material. Please contact Ellyn at speakouboston.org if you would
like your organization to participate.

CEUs available for attending the event.

*The event is co-sponsored by the City of Cambridge GLBT Commission,
SpeakOUT Boston, the Bisexual Resource Center, and the Cambridge Public
Library. *

Ellyn Ruthstrom
Executive Director
P.O. Box 301223
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

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