[act-ma] [Boston 911 Truth] Sunday March 22, Watertown, The Power Of Media Deception

Allan Rubin a_rubin at comcast.net
Sat Mar 14 12:59:59 PDT 2015

Please forward this important announcement to your lists. Thank you.

*The Power Of Media Deception


        /*An Eye-Opening Documentary Exposing The Manipulation Of Public
        Perception By The Media & The Education System.*/

  * Have you ever questioned what passes for reporting by the corporate
    media in creating support for more war, more surveillance, more
    militarization and the continued erosion of our civil rights &
    liberties through acts like the NDAA?

  * Does the lack of truthful coverage on vital issues such as fracking,
    chemtrails, vaccine fraud,  GMO’s & poisoning of our water supply
    concern you?

  * Did you know that the Supreme Court has held that the media has no
    affirmative duty to tell the truth & can fire reporters who refuse
    to lie?  Or that 90% of the media are now owned by 6 corporations
    with interlocking directorships?

  * Have you ever questioned the repetitive news blips that have
    replaced real investigative reporting? Or the changes in the
    education system that replace critical thinking skills with
    unquestioning acceptance of pre-packaged data?

        /*To find out more, please attend this important compilation of
        short films showing the methods used to control what the
        American public hears, sees and believes.*/

*Sunday, March 22nd, 2pm**
**Watertown Public Library**

**123 Main St., Watertown.**
**Free admission.**

*www.Boston911Truth.org contact Chris Gruener 617-965-6552.*

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