[act-ma] SAT Nov 21 Don't Let Paris be Pretext for More War! 1pm Park Street

David Rolde davidrolde at comcast.net
Thu Nov 19 14:30:53 PST 2015

----- Original Message -----

From: "International Action Center Boston" <iacboston at solidarityweb.com> 
Subject: SAT Nov 21: Don't Let Paris be Pretext for More War! 

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Call to Action: Not Another US War! 
Don't Allow the Paris Attacks to Become a Pretext for Racism & War 
We Need Healthcare, Education, and Jobs for All! 

facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1089935431039761/ 

Where are we demonstrating? Park Street and Tremont, Boston 

When? Nov. 21 at 1pm 

The US-NATO alliance just completed its largest military operation to date in Europe – called Trident Junction – with Russia as the main target. At the same time, Washington escalated its four-plus-year proxy war against the Syrian government by sending Eagle jets to the Turkish-Syrian border and U.S. Special Forces into Syrian territory to protect the so-called “moderate rebels.” 

All of this has come in response to Russia’s intervention to eliminate ISIS in Syria. The Obama administration’s campaign promise of “no boots on the ground” has once again been broken. What Washington has promised with its actions is ever-lasting war. 

People all over the world have paid a price for the U.S.-NATO escalation. Hundreds have died in a recent massacre in Paris. Fifty died in Beirut just days before. Hundreds more died just weeks before in the bombing of a Russian tourist flight from Egypt. Washington and its allies have armed and empowered terrorist groups like ISIS to destabilize the Syrian government. The result of this U.S. and NATO military intervention in the region is the blowback that struck the people at home. This intervention has also led to a dangerous military escalation that brings the U.S. closer to a regional war with Russia. 

The cost of U.S. war has been far reaching. Over 4 million people have died in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq since the “War on Terror” began in 2001. North Africa has been turned into a hotbed of chaos and terrorism since NATO destroyed Libya in 2011. And Congress has promised $80 billion more in revenue for the trillion dollar Pentagon military apparatus necessary to maintain the global supremacy of the U.S. superrich. These critical funds come from our own pockets and could be used to develop education, healthcare, employment, and housing for all. 

This is especially important as the wars on oppressed people continue to wage on within the war-making nations. The racist anti-immigrant movements in Europe and the U.S. are already planning how they will use the attacks in Paris on November 13 to bolster their violent campaigns against African, Arab, and Latino immigrants. Police chiefs across the U.S. who have been pushed back by the Black Lives Matter movement are at this very movement feverishly strategizing about how they will use the Paris attacks to support the ongoing police war against Black and Brown people.Homeland Security and the Wall Street interests that it serves will try to use the Paris attacks to expand surveillance and repression against protest movements. Politicians and their billionaire backers are already plotting how they will use the Paris attacks to launch a wider war against the peoples of the Middle East, Africa and Asia -- the same way that Bush used 911 to destroy Iraq. Now is the time for all of us who know this to stand up and say NO! 

Join us at Park Street in Boston to speak out and demand an end to all U.S.-NATO wars! U.S. out of Syria! No to attacks on Immigrants! Divest from war, invest in the people! 

Sponsors include: International Action Center, Syrian American Forum, Committee for Peace and Human Rights, Boston United National Anti-War Coalition, Community Activist Chuck Turner, Coalition for Equal Quality Education Peoples Power Assembly, Women's Fightback Netork, Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST), Workers World Boston branch (list in formation) 


Peoples Power Assembly statement at NYC Nov 15 Protest vs. G20: 


Sunday 4pm Nov. 15, 2015 

A People's Response to G20 Summit – which is being turned into a “WAR” Summit 

An Urgent Reason To Join The 
Protest Against Capitalism and Racism on Sunday 

We mourn for those who were killed and injured in Paris on Friday. But mourning is not enough. We must also remember that what happened in Paris is yet another terrible example of the bitter fruits that are the fallout from endless war, occupation, shock-and-awe bombings, and regime change. 

That fallout also includes the decimation of Iraq, and a human rights crisis in both Syria and Iraq of epic proportions -- including the displacement of millions of people. Now is the time to remember how 911 was used as a pretext for war, racism and repression. 

The corporate media wants us to forget the heroic protest of the Black students at Missouri State University that has inspired students across the country. They want us to shut all protest down so that they can whip up a new war fever. 

The racist anti-immigrant movements in Europe and the U.S. are already planning how they will use the attacks in Paris on November 13 to bolster their violent campaigns against African, Arab, and Latino immigrants. Police chiefs across the U.S. who have been pushed back by the Black Lives Matter movement are at this very movement feverishly strategizing about how they will use the Paris attacks to support the ongoing police war against Black and Brown people.Homeland Security and the Wall Street interests that it serves will try to use the Paris attacks to expand surveillance and repression against protest movements. Politicians and their billionaire backers are already plotting how they will use the Paris attacks to launch a wider war against the peoples of the Middle East, Africa and Asia -- the same way that Bush used 911 to destroy Iraq. Now is the time for all of us who know this to stand up and say NO! 

Called by: The Peoples Power Assembly – May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights – The Working Women’s Coalition – International Action Center 


International Action Center Statement, Nov.14, 2015: 

Nov. 14 — Just counting recent catastrophes, The International Action Center mourns the tragic loss of 30 people killed by U.S. airstrikes on a charity hospital in Afghanistan; the 224 passengers and crew lost on a Russian plane that exploded over Egypt; the 102 lives cut short by an attack on a Peace Rally in Ankara, Turkey; the 34 killed in Beirut; the many, many families blasted by U.S. drone attacks on wedding parties across West Asia and Africa, and the thousands who have died trying to cross the Mediterranean as they flee war and the loss of lives and homes. 

We mourn the loss of hundreds of African-American lives to racist police in the United States. 

And we mourn the killing of at least 120 mostly young people in Paris on the night of Nov. 13-14. 

This latest massacre has produced the greatest threats — from the U.S., France and NATO. Even more war and destruction perpetrated by these highly militarized powers is the greatest threat to workers and peoples around the world, including those in the new civil rights movement inside the United States. 

Who is ultimately responsible for what happened in Paris, what new aggression is being planned right now, and how can we counter it? 

The media report that the French regime blames the Islamic State for the killings and that the I.S. has claimed responsibility. That story will dominate. But from beginning to end, it is U.S., French, British and other NATO imperialist powers and their client regimes in Israel and Saudi Arabia that are ultimately responsible for creating the unbearable conditions that led to these attacks. 

The ongoing U.S.-NATO wars across Western Asia and North Africa have destroyed that region’s stable states and societies, killed millions of people and uprooted tens of millions from their homes. As they wage constant warfare, leaving the people in turmoil and misery, the imperialists have deliberately stirred up religious and national antagonisms and also driven hundreds of thousands to seek asylum in Europe. 

There are three obvious threats following the Paris attack: 

The first is that the rulers of France, the U.S. and other NATO powers will use the attack as a pretext to step up their already dangerous military intervention in Syria. This could open up a regional war involving Iran and Russia. 

The second is that the racists will heat up Islamophobia and the hatred of all foreigners to bolster their violent campaigns against migrants, in Europe against Africans and West Asians, in the U.S. against Latin Americans. 

The third, within the U.S., is that the cops challenged by the Black Lives Matter movement will use the Paris attacks to excuse their ongoing war against Black and Brown people. “Homeland security” and the Wall Street interests it serves will try to expand surveillance and repression against protest movements. 

Those who want to combat these threats must use their own and social media to expose the crimes of the U.S. and French ruling classes. We must also stand in solidarity with the migrants on all continents; they are our fellow workers and oppressed peoples. 

We must stand in solidarity with the movements to win rights and justice as they resist the pressure of the rich and powerful, trumpeted through their bought media, to retreat from struggle. 

It is the super-rich who have demanded the wars against Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. Don’t let them use the horrors they have created as an excuse to drag us into ever more destructive conflicts. 

No to U.S., French, NATO, Saudi or Israeli intervention in Syria, Iraq, Yemen or the rest of West Asia! 

Defend the rights of migrants on all continents! 

Solidarity of all workers and oppressed against imperialism and reaction! 

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