[act-ma] 12/09 From Christ to el Che. 50 Years Singing the Revolution

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Tue Dec 8 04:31:15 PST 2015

TecsChange is sponsoring a evening with Paul Baker Hernandez.    It will 
combine a short presentation about  what Bolivarian Alliance for the 
Peoples of Our America (ALBA) is making possible in Nicaragua and a 
block of his songs.
Paul was born in the UK and is now living in Nicaragua.  As you can see 
from the his note below he brings his own unique life perspective on the 
crucial issues we are facing.

Wed  Dec 9th   7 PM

Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place (near Park St. and the Orpheum Theater)

50 years ago I was a Catholic hermit. Today I’m a singer of songs 'born 
in blood'*, having cobbled a guitar together from an old table/retired 
toilet seat, and left the monastery in search of Bob Dylan. I now live 
in revolutionary Nicaragua - from Christ to Che!

Despite its own minuscule carbon footprint, Nicaragua is increasingly 
battered by the global warming caused primarily by the North’s abuse of 
resources often extorted from those who suffer most directly from that 
abuse. In spite of this, Nicaragua today offers an already-functioning 
antidote to catastrophe as a member of the Bolivarian Alliance for the 
Peoples of Our America, ‘ALBA’. ALBA is an eleven country ‘fair trading’ 
block that replaces individualism with community, competition with 
cooperation, and ecological destruction with care for the planet. And it 
actually works! Neatly enough, in Spanish, ‘ALBA’ means ‘Dawn’.

I’m looking to share first-hand experience of life in global warming’s 
bulls-eye, especially given the December 'make-or-break’ climate summit 
in Paris, ‘Laudato Si’, the Pope’s recent letter that links climate 
catastrophe to slash-and-burn capitalism, and, above all, the hope that 
initiatives such as ALBA offer the whole of humanity and indeed all life 
on Earth.

Thank you again. In peace, justice and beauty.

Fuller information: http://www.paulbaker2004.wix.com/paul-baker-hernandez

Paul's ode to Starbucks, 'Frrrapppuccino, Crrrapppuccino!' 

E-mail: paulbaker2004 at yahoo.com
Phone: Nicaragua 77060717
SKYPE: paulbakerhernandez2
FaceBook: Paul Baker Hernandez (Managua)

/** "Keep singing. But remember, your songs are born in coffee houses; 
ours are born in blood.” (Victor Jara, the great Chilean 
singer/songwriter, killed by Russian roulette during the 
Nixon/Kissinger/Pinochet military coup of 911 One, September 11th 1973.) /

*/Echoes of Silence. One Planet. One People. /*

Paul's book, "Song in High Summer",is on Amazon
*/"Llevando a Victor a Casa/Bringing Victor Home": Fund. Victor Jara 
Santiago: /**/http://youtu.be/A4FFIragrcA /*
*Please pledge £15/US$25 pm. You'll hardly notice it - our n**ags and 
nippers certainly will: http://echoespaul.wix.com/nags-and-nippers - 
**Lovely project; just try it for one year.*
*/Tax-deductible donations /**/USA, www.NIcanet.org/*
*UK: Cheques: 'Christine Jennings', C. Jennings 3 Upper Regents Pk 
Bradford on Avon BA15 1EB. Thank you.*


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