[act-ma] Two Climate Change Rallies, Dec. 12, Boston Common

Aria Littlhous aria at littlhous.net
Thu Dec 10 03:32:52 PST 2015

Two Climate Change Rallies, Dec. 12

Boston Common, 1:00-----?

 1. Jobs With Justice

>From November 29 to December 12, world leaders will meet in Paris to
negotiate a new global climate treaty. This is their 21st attempt, and we
already know that even if they reach an agreement, it won’t be nearly as
strong as we need it to be. 2015 is on track to be the hottest year on
record, and unprecedented storms, floods and droughts are happening around
the world. We are running out of time, and we must create an unstoppable
grassroots movement for real climate action.

On December 12, people will come together from every corner of New England
to call for bold climate solutions that create secure union jobs,
strengthen community power and help build a more resilient future. We
envision a movement that unites us all, and we will lift up the voices of
New England's organized labor, immigrant rights, racial justice, and
climate justice groups as we call for jobs, justice and climate action

More details: http://www.jobsjusticeclimate.org/

2. Boston Climate Defense

Begins at 3:30 pm.

Right now in Paris, the world leaders are committing us to 4.5 - 7 F
degrees of warming by 2100. Catastrophic. For 20 years they have done
nothing, and now they are saying this is the best they can offer us. But
this year we, the people of Boston, New England and the planet will have
the last word:


Join us in this powerful demonstration of strength and solidarity with
countries around the world as we draw the line on climate change which we
cannot cross, to save our city subway lines. And, well, everything else too.

Dressed as "Metro Boston Climate Defense" employees (seeclimatedefense.org
we will “officially” announce and hand out Change of Service maps due to
massive flooding to people entering and exiting the subway system. The maps
showcase the imminent devastation that sea level rise is going have on our
coastal infrastructure if we cross the climate line and fail to keep 80% of
our fossil fuel reserves in the ground.

“Official” Uniforms and maps will be provided to everyone joining the
action! You need only bring yourself and your desire to win!

We are doing version of this action that was done in 2012, but with a Paris
twist, calling on our leaders to "keep it in the ground" or prepare for us
to do it for them.

Details here:https://www.facebook.com/events/1703768873188138/

"Our goal is a society that prioritizes the needs of all before the profits
of the few." passed by Occupy Boston General Assembly 11/29/11

"Our goal is a society that prioritizes the needs of all before the profits
of the few." passed by Occupy Boston General Assembly 11/29/11

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