[act-ma] Fwd: [Sftp] SftP Boston/MIT meeting - December 4

gmoke gmoke at world.std.com
Sun Dec 3 09:38:44 PST 2017

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Ilias Zadik <izadik at mit.edu>
> Subject: [Sftp] SftP Boston/MIT meeting - December 4
> Date: December 3, 2017 at 12:21:09 PM EST
> To: "cwelch at tecschange.org" <cwelch at tecschange.org>, Emily Glaser <glaser.em at gmail.com>, sftp_planning <sftp_planning at mit.edu>, sftp <sftp at mit.edu>
> Cc: "Iarrobino, Anthony" <a.iarrobino at northeastern.edu>, "andrearomig at hotmail.com" <andrearomig at hotmail.com>
> Hi all,
> this is to confirm our Science for the People at MIT organizational meeting tomorrow 12/4, 6-7pm at E53-208.
> Summing up some ideas that were heard, some ideas for tomorrow are to discuss/check our logistics after this last period of inactivity, welcome and introduce some new members (!) ,discuss what is going on at the national level for SftP and finally think of ideas about activities/goals for our chapter in the next months!

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