[act-ma] 7/22 Fascism- What It Is and the Struggle Against It, 7/22 @ 7 PM

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Sat Jul 17 07:08:45 PDT 2021

*Fascism – What It Is and the Struggle Against It*

*Thursday, July 22, 7:00 PM *

The economic and social crisis we are living through has taken a 
devastating toll on working people. Millions have been forced out of 
work. The death toll in the US from the coronavirus has far surpassed 
the total number of US deaths from World War II, the wars in Korea, 
Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined. While so many of us have been 
dying, Wall Street has been soaring to all-time highs! The depth of the 
crisis was underscored when fascist supporters of Trump and Wall Street 
stormed the Capitol attempting to precipitate a coup. The response of 
the repressive forces would have been qualitatively different if crowds 
opposing systemic racism and social injustice had stormed the Capitol.

Many folks now understand that the police provide a breeding ground for 
fascists in uniform and cannot be relied upon to defend our rights. The 
Corporate Media have for years sought to pretty up the image of the 
fascists by describing them as the "Alt-right". In recent years, the 
question of fascism and how to fight it has come up more broadly in 
discussions of a road forward for working people and the oppressed. 
Fascism is a social movement with historical roots and has been 
successfully defeated in the past. Join us for a discussion of fascism, 
the current crisis we face, and how we can organize and mobilize to 
defend our rights and interests as working people, the oppressed, and youth.

John Harris – Boston May Day Coalition
Stan Lawrence – Refuse Fascism, Boston*

followed by discussion.


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