[act-ma] 1/29 Building Youth Friendship & Solidarity Between Massachusetts & Cuba and a standout

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Thu Jan 12 05:49:26 PST 2023

    Building Youth Friendship & Solidarity Between Massachusetts & Cuba

Somerville Public Library
79 Highland Ave

Sun. Jan. 29th 2 to 4 PM

We would like to invite you to our Live and Virtual event: Building 
Youth Friendship & Solidarity Between Massachusetts & Cuba, to learn 
about the Cuban Revolution & the impacts of the 60+ year illegal US 
blockade; to hear from local youth who just traveled to Cuba, including 
Somerville City Councilor Willie Burnley; and to learn about 
opportunities to get involved in the Cuba solidarity movement and travel 
to Cuba on the International May Day Brigade

(Gilman Square T stop on the new Medford/Tufts section of the Green 
Line) or parking available at high school)

You can register here: bit.ly/cuba129 
to attend virtually or in-person. Refreshments will be provided! Please 
also share the registration link and flyer attached with your networks 
so we can share this opportunity far and wide! We hope to see you there. 
Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime. We hope to 
work with you and your organization to end the US blockade on Cuba.

Flyer is available on our website <https://july26.org/>

Facebook Event 

Standout against the Embargo/Blockade!

We will also be at the Somerville Library, 79 Highland Ave, 1:30 to 
2:00, adjourning into the Library for the May Day Brigade educational & 
fundraising event that goes from 2 to 4.  The shorter time is suggested 
as it is likely to be /freezing, /and also inside the library people 
will have access to the brochures and -- if someone will bring a laptop 
-- we can ask people to take the actions on the spot.

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