[act-ma] 2/01 important demonstration concerning Israeli atrocities in Jenin Wednesday

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Mon Jan 30 17:40:00 PST 2023

Marilyn Frankenstein <Marilyn.Frankenstein at umb.edu> writes

Dear All:

Please turn out for this demonstration

*Wednesday February 1, 2023 5 PM at Cambridge City Hall*

A handful of Palestinian and anti-colonial organizers are asking people 
to turn out if they resonate with the message below:

  On January 26 zionist soldiers murdered 10 Palestinians in Jenin camp 
in Palestine. In solidarity with Palestinian resistance, Jenin camp, and 
all of historic Palestine, the march will proceed from Cambridge City 
Hall (an institution complicit in the war on Palestinian people) to 
other local Cambridge institutions complicit in this war, as well as the 
war on people of the global majority here and globally.

The message marchers will carry is:

  * Victory to the Palestinian resistance
  * Glory to the martyrs of Jenin, Nablus, and all of historic Palestine
  * End the war industry in Cambridge!
  * Stop displacing people of the global majority and of the working
    class for companies that make weapons for war and police!

I will be there in spirit, but my body is currently visiting dear 
friends in London.

Please turn out if at all possible– we must stop the complicity of our 
institutions in these atrocities!!!

En la lucha,


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