[act-ma] 6/08 The American Love Affair with Israel is Coming to a Grinding Halt

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Thu Jun 8 10:55:44 PDT 2023

“The American Love Affair with Israel is Coming to a Grinding Halt. Here's Why.” with Phil Weiss & also featuring Michael Arria, Mondoweiss U.S. correspondent 
This year has seen unprecedented daylight between the U.S. and Israel. Joe Biden had the gall to disinvite Benjamin Netanyahu from Washington, and major Jewish/Zionist groups were openly critical of the prime minister for the same reason, his attempted judicial reforms. (We've come a little way since the official silence over the USS Liberty attack on this day in 1967.) Phil Weiss and Michael Arria discuss the domestic causes for the shift: the role of the progressive left and the discomfort of the Jewish community with the demands of the Israel lobby. 
Phil Weiss is a longtime writer, now senior editor of a website on Israel/Palestine that he started in 2006, [ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FMondoweiss.net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1J_9s6NZjaHsl_BQscoYFD1AQfBOpPxK1Us_7gVk3uCkxTMAFwglbRc1U&h=AT0cVmbMXTkJsPai0IY5JCUUpYZLsgc2o9i1IB6mmeJSuZHhIni-M-PE_JnHkJSVWzj7FpKjjq1CF2hDgTnLIITcDcaCxIdzH54o93TwaVp06pYxb92TugiwB9iFHM8t6w&__tn__=q&c[0]=AT1Dn4AY7witsfNUp73FpD0EFBrgOnzcWlPU47A1Q5uagHqM4jV6RJBwxYowRY-OAlfnk9tlsCDaVyRotvSqQ_p1gwFdw8qI5MDTA0MRGOkeID0i-aCq_ZsQlCl_aoCe2vYJnMNgxSWWE4qpy78hVCm76M_s | Mondoweiss.net. ] He has published two books and numerous articles and is now writing music. He was born in Boston and lives in the Hudson Valley, New York. 
This a hybrid event. Join us in person in the Lothrop Auditorium or or on YouTube 

Please register for this FREE program. No fee for admission but donations appreciated. $20 suggested ticket price. 
[ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventbrite.com%2Fe%2Fthe-american-love-affair-with-israel-is-coming-to-a-grinding-halt-tickets-638308145847%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3CUqP7DpMoE_1MtLNl44tCGbzTOfB7oadPvOsJ_UFsDwvurVtDp9BTo2o&h=AT2B6-_TuAaiGm8CdKQiTiFH3FMlu2FO7wH-FkWF1Pi_KnqADwRCgVPNlmTRO2FUHqnrNWQxPLf5VG89Rpf1Hrsc7epDFSx-_nDHT-wxNZGqcSnYv3a5dXnsQfSh6BG4Rw&__tn__=q&c[0]=AT1Dn4AY7witsfNUp73FpD0EFBrgOnzcWlPU47A1Q5uagHqM4jV6RJBwxYowRY-OAlfnk9tlsCDaVyRotvSqQ_p1gwFdw8qI5MDTA0MRGOkeID0i-aCq_ZsQlCl_aoCe2vYJnMNgxSWWE4qpy78hVCm76M_s | https://www.eventbrite.com/.../the-american-love-affair... ] 

Community Church of Boston (or online) 
565 Boylston St. (Copley Square above the Clover Restaurant) 
Small elevator, wheelchair accessible. 
CCB is located near the Orange line-Back Bay or the Green line-Copley T Stops. Limited on Street Parking or at Back Bay Parking Garage, 199 Clarendon Street. 
Discount Vouchers available for parking in the garage. 


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