[act-ma] Liberating Gaza by Working Class Means - Saturday, Jan. 27 @ 2 PM

john.r.harris at verizon.net john.r.harris at verizon.net
Fri Jan 26 08:28:08 PST 2024

 Liberating Gaza by Working Class Means
Saturday, January 27th at 2:00 PM 
Please join the Zoom meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88237175103?pwd=ZXVRNEdCZFVrQ2hkYWtwMExqUHczQT09 Liberating Gaza by Working Class Means | Facebook As bombs rain down on Gaza and forces of the Israeli regime continue to assassinate civilians, youth and working-class people worldwide are joining together demanding a ceasefire. Hundreds of thousands have mobilized here in the US joining millions around the world denouncing the genocide. We are making a difference and deep divisions are developing within the imperial powers as they fuel the genocide. Millions here are impacted and the movement will influence generations to come. The conflict risks the danger of developing into a regional conflagration.How can Gaza be liberated by working class means? What will that require -- and how can the effort advance liberation of all oppressed nations, as well as ending apartheid across historic Palestine? What working-class actions defending Palestinians are taking place today? What are the broader possibilities for union activity and action on a world scale. Join us for a discussion with Wadi'h Halabi who, with his family, ended up in Gaza after being driven out of Jaffa during the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948. We will also be taking up a history of Palestinian resistance, the 'Beirut Commune' of spring 1976, weaknesses and errors of the world labor movement, and what can be done today to correct those weaknesses and errors.. The implications go far beyond Gaza. For an earlier interview with Wadi'h Halabi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mOrmocgyEg Current Cosponsors: Boston May Day Coalition, Center for Marxist Education, Encuentro Cinco, Labor Fightback Network, Veterans for Peace - Boston, Smedley D. Butler Brigade

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