<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<br>Dear Friends,
<p>It is of vital importance to open up space for a realistic discussion
of the events of 9/11. Without the 9/11 myth, the administration's
"war on terror" loses its legitimacy. They have their "pearl
harbor". We must take it away from them!
<p>We need your help in reaching as wide an audience as possible. Most
media--including the left--won't go near it (Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman,
etc). On viewing the evidence, taken from traditional media sources, the
official story quickly falls apart.
<p>Please forward this as widely as possible. Contact me if you would like
flyers, copies of the film, etc. I hope to see you Saturday night.
<p><i>"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary
<br>--George Orwell
<p><font size=+1>============================================================</font>
<center><img SRC="cid:part1.461FBC76.A6CE7E1B@comcast.net" height=272 width=270>
<p><font size=+1>The Boston 9/11Truth Committee proudly presents an important
new film:</font>
<p><b><font size=+2>Improbable Collapse</font></b>
<br><b><i>The Demolition of our Republic</i></b>
<p><b>Directed and Edited by Michael Berger</b>
<p><b>Discussion and Q & A to follow with Mike Berger,</b>
<br><b>Director and Media Coordinator for 911truth.org.</b>
<p>Improbable collapse is the first film to thoroughly review the evidence
for WTC demolitions from a scientific perspective. The film dismantles
the official story that <u>three</u> World Trade Center collapsed from
fire and damage alone, using the government's own reports and research
of Physics Professor Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan and Jim Hoffman. The
mechanism of the building collapses proposed by the US government investigations
is extremely unlikely, hence the title of the film.
<p><b><font face="Times New Roman,Times"><font size=+2>Saturday, April
21, 2007, 7:30 PM</font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Times New Roman,Times"><font size=+2>Democracy Center</font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Times New Roman,Times">45 Mt Auburn Street</font></b>
<br><b><font face="Times New Roman,Times">Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA</font></b>
<p><b>Suggested donation $5</b>
<p>911 books and DVDs will be on sale.
<p>For more information see Flybynews.com
<br><b>voicemail: 617-401-8047</b>
<br><b>email: truth@boston911truth.org</b></center>