<font size="4"><strong>PROTEST BANK OF AMERICA<br></strong>THIS SATURDAY, FEB. 14 - VALENTINES DAY, 10 am to noon<br>THEY NEED OUR "TOUGH LOVE"</font><br>Join City Life/Vida Urbana at Fields Corner branch (on Red Line)<br>
Or<br>Rising Tide at Copley Sq. branch<br> <br>Bank of America is responsible for a large portion of the foreclosures and evictions that are sweeping our neighborhoods here in Boston. They are also the largest funders of the coal industry, which is destroying communities in Appalachia and accelerating climate change across the globe. In short, they are on the bad list, and on Saturday, we are are going to give them some TOUGH LOVE!<br>
<br>Dozens of people at each branch (Copley and Fields Corner) will be closing their accounts in protest of Bank of America's destruction of our communities. Join the tide, join the movement!!<br> <br>Even if you don't have an account/can't close it, come out and support these two linked and crucial causes!!! Copley Square will feature street theater, music, and celebration. Fields Corner will have giant puppets and that City Life energy. Be there, or be...evicted!<br>
<br>Check out the flyers and press release attached. See you on Saturday at 10am!!!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>And I first saw the trees!<br>The Truffula Trees!<br>The bright-colored tufts of the Truffula Trees!<br>Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze.<br>