<b>Dear Sisters and Brothers,<br><br>Through a combination of layoffs, attrition, and an early retirement "offer" made amid constant threats of job losses, Harvard shed 340 clerical union jobs last year. Some laid-off union members, who lost their jobs last June, still haven't found work. Others labor as temps without any sick or vacation time, or any meaningful benefits. Workers in my union have had their full-year jobs converted into "seasonal" positions, slashing their salaries. Others have faced mandatory furloughs without any pay or unemployment benefits.<br>
<br>Meanwhile, Harvard received $121 million in Federal stimulus money just in the last quarter. The University also got $600 million in gifts last year. The endowment remains about *$26 billion*.<br><br>Please join us as we picket, to press Harvard to create more union jobs, stop exploiting temps, and re-hire the laid-off HUCTW members into union jobs!</b><b> Our action will take place
this Thursday, March 25, at 5 p.m., 1350 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, less than a block from the
Harvard MBTA stop & next to Au Bon Pain. Please join us! A flyer is attached with more details. <br>
<br>Facebook event: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=333146782863#%21/event.php?eid=333146782863&ref=mf" target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=333146782863#!/event.php?eid=333146782863&ref=mf</a><br>
<br>In Solidarity,<br><br>Geoff Carens, Union Rep, HUCTW/AFSCME local