<font style="background-color: transparent;" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font size="6">Weatherization
Barnraising</font></b><br><br><font size="5"><b><i>Saturday, June 26th</i></b></font><br><font size="5"><b><i>12:30—5:00
p.m.</i></b></font><br><br><font size="5"><b><i>Cambridge YWCA
Emergency Family
Shelter</i></b></font><br><font size="5"><b><i>3 Bigelow Street,
<ul><li><font size="4">Pitch in to help 10 homeless families who live at
</li><li><font size="4">Lower vast energy bills for the shelter so
it can help the
families more<br></font>
</li><li><font size="4">Learn skills that can save you $$ at home</font>
</li><li><font size="4">Fight climate change</font>
</li><li><font size="4">Share food & celebrate after a job well
</li><li><font size="4">No skills necessary – training on the job!!</font>
</li></ul><b><br>Work includes:</b><br><br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">• An easy and cheap way to fix old
replacement windows so they easily close again<br>• Air-sealing an
leaky attic <br>• Using caulk and sprayfoam to stop air leaks<br>•
water and electricity<br>• Installing programmable thermostats<br>•
plastering, and more<br><br>There will be a separate event to do the attic air sealing on June 19 from 9-1. Select that if you want to participate on the sign-up form, or mention in specifically if you sign up by Email of phone.<br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><font size="5">Sign up today by web,
email or
phone!!</font><br><br><b><a title="https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHJHazZYVEdnTmZYMHNJbEVzRWt1YkE6MA" href="https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHJHazZYVEdnTmZYMHNJbEVzRWt1YkE6MA" target="_blank">www.heetma.com</a></b><br>
<a title="mailto:heet.cambridge@gmail.com" href="mailto:heet.cambridge@gmail.com" target="_blank">heet.cambridge@gmail.com</a><br><b>617-491-6761</b><br><br>Organized
by HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team), a Cambridge-based<br>co-op that
neighbors together to weatherize our homes<br>and take the energy
future into
our own hands.<br>Co-sponsored by Cambridge Energy
Alliance</div></font><br clear="all"><br>