<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV> </DIV>
<H1 class=title>Labor Day Celebration and March</H1>
<DIV class=tabs></DIV>
<DIV class=node><SPAN class=submitted>Submitted by ujpadmin on Thu, 07/15/2010 - 4:38pm.</SPAN>
<DIV class=event-when><STRONG>When:</STRONG> Monday, September 6, 2010, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm </DIV>
<DIV class=event-where><STRONG>Where: </STRONG>Boston Common • Park Street T • Boston </DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=content>
<DIV class=event-nodeapi>
<DIV class=event-start><LABEL>Start: </LABEL>2010 Sep 6 - 12:00pm</DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=event-nodeapi>
<DIV class=event-end><LABEL>End: </LABEL>2010 Sep 6 - 3:00pm</DIV></DIV>
<H1>Paving the Way to Prosperity</H1>
<DIV>Last year, we marched on Labor Day calling for health care reform—and we won! </DIV>
<DIV>But the economic crisis, created by the greed of the big corporations, continues to devastate our nation:</DIV>
<DIV>♦ We have lost 8 million jobs.</DIV>
<DIV>♦ 1.2 million families have lost or are losing their homes.</DIV>
<DIV>♦ Millions of workers have seen their rights to organize and bargain for better wages and working conditions trampled.</DIV>
<DIV>This deep and widely felt pain creates the conditions for change, brought about by a true movement of the majority for an America where:</DIV>
<DIV>♦ Moms and dads have jobs to support their families, shop at local stores, and revive the American Dream.</DIV>
<DIV>♦ The super-rich who have benefited the most from our recent prosperity pay what they really can to maintain the road to renewed prosperity for all of us.</DIV>
<DIV>♦ Hard-working immigrants, who came here because they believe in the American Dream, finally share in the greatness of this country.</DIV>
<DIV>This Labor Day, working Americans are calling on our elected officials to work with us as we pave the way to prosperity.</DIV>
<DIV>For information, call 617-523-6150.</DIV>
<DIV>SEIU Local 615, 26 West St., Boston, MA</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<TABLE id=attachments>
<TR class=odd>
<TD><A href="http://justicewithpeace.org/files/Labor%20Day%202010%20Community%20Flyer.pdf">Labor Day 2010 Community Flyer.pdf</A></TD>
<TD>484.1 KB</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><SPAN class=taxonomy>Filed under:
<UL class="links inline">
<LI class="first taxonomy_term_73"><A class=taxonomy_term_73 title="" href="http://justicewithpeace.org/taxonomy/term/73" rel=tag>Economic Crisis</A>
<LI class="last taxonomy_term_70"><A class=taxonomy_term_70 title="" href="http://justicewithpeace.org/taxonomy/term/70" rel=tag>Boston</A> </LI></UL></SPAN>
<DIV class=links>»
<UL class="links inline">
<LI class="first last event_calendar"><A class=event_calendar href="http://justicewithpeace.org/event/2010/09/06/month/event">Calendar</A> </LI></UL></DIV></DIV></td></tr></table><br>