<p>Selvin Arevalo came to Portland, Maine from Guatemala eleven years ago when he was 14-years-old to study and to work in order to help his family. Selvin flourished in the United States— He is a leader in his church as a youth leader and treasurer. He is a musician who plays several instruments and a singer in his church. He is studying to receive a high school diploma and wants to enroll in college to study computer science. Selvin is an exemplary member of our Portland community.</p>
<p>Recently Selvin was detained a month before his graduation and enrolling in college! He was detained and held at the Cumberland County jail for seven long months. His community organized around him and got him released from detention.</p>
<p>This is urgent—<strong>Selvin was served an order of Deportation for Dec. 18, 2010. Just like we’ve stopped numerous deportations of immigrant undocumented students, we can stop his! We need to stop Selvin’s deportation and keep him home in Portland!</strong></p>
<p><strong>What You Can Do</strong></p>
<p>1. Sign this petition directed to DHS and Selvin's Congressional members in Maine<br><a href="http://immigration.change.org/petitions/view/stop_selvin_arevalos_deportation_in_6_days">http://immigration.change.org/petitions/view/stop_selvin_arevalos_deportation_in_6_days</a></p>
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