<i><font size="4"><font size="2">++++++++++++ Please distribute widely to people and organizations you may know in the Boston area </font></font></i><font size="2">++++++++++++++</font><b><font size="4"><br><br>Eyewitness Gaza</font><br>
<br>A new slide show about Gaza by Skip Schiel<br><br>February 24, Thursday, 7 pm<br><br>Cambridge YMCA Theater<br>820 Massachusetts Ave<br>Cambridge, 02139<br>(Central Square)</b><br><br>
<b>BONUS: This presentation will be video recorded as the major scene in a forthcoming movie, <i>Eyewitness Gaza</i>,
and we’ll begin the evening with a preview of the movie being made by
Tom Jackson of Joe Public Films in cooperation with Adham Khalil in
Gaza.<br><br></b><i>What are the current conditions in Gaza and what constitutes popular
resistance to both the Israeli siege and the inter-factional violence?
How does Gaza relate to Egypt and other Arabic uprisings.</i><br><br>Based on his latest visit during November-December 2010<br>Introduced and moderated by Dr. Nancy Murray, president of the Gaza Mental Health Foundation<br>
Free & open to the public<br>Info: 617-441-7756, <a href="mailto:skipschiel@gmail.com" target="_blank">skipschiel@gmail.com</a>, <a href="http://teeksaphoto.org" target="_blank">teeksaphoto.org</a>, <a href="http://skipschiel.wordpress.com" target="_blank">skipschiel.wordpress.com</a><br>
<br>Directions to the theater:<br><a href="http://www.cambridgeymca.org/directions.html" target="_blank">www.cambridgeymca.org/directions.html</a><br><br>Flyer attached.<br><b><br></b><div style="text-align: center;"><img title="Gaza-BDS-Samouni-7909-1.jpg" alt="Gaza-BDS-Samouni-7909-1.jpg" src="cid:ii_12e07b6ac5fe3696"><br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><i>Kanaan Samouni with camera, Gaza City, 2010, many of his family were
massacred by Israeli forces during the assault on Gaza 2 years ago</i><br></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><img title="Gaza - Schiel-7001-1.jpg" alt="Gaza - Schiel-7001-1.jpg" src="cid:ii_12e07b68dd645360"><br></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><i>Mural, Gaza City, 2010</i><br></div><i><br></i><b>Background about the project:</b><br><br>With the support of many in his local and national Quaker community, since 2003 Skip Schiel has been traveling to Israel and Palestine to investigate and portray conditions and struggles. He has worked with a variety of organizations, both Israeli and Palestinian and joint organizations, volunteering to make photographs for them that he also can circulate as slide shows and print exhibitions. His hope is to open eyes and doors and windows, encouraging awareness and action.<br>
<br><b>Background about Skip Schiel:</b><br><br>A participatory photographer, photographing while engaging in struggles for justice, peace, right treatment of the environment, and enlightenment, Skip Schiel makes photos for publications, exhibits, slide shows, and individual use. His main current project is a photographic examination of conditions in Palestine & Israel. Other projects include retracing the Transatlantic African slave trade journey (<i>A Spirit People</i>), the earth (<i>Scent of Earth</i>), prisons (<i>Imprisoned Massachusetts</i>), and a Buddhist-led pilgrimage from Auschwitz to Hiroshima (<i>Passing Through</i>).<br>
<br>He's also photographed environmental desecration, racism and racial justice, South Africa, poverty, American Indians, the US South, and resistance to oppressive regimes in the US and abroad. He is exploring digital technology, curious about its influence on photography—producing, consuming, and thinking about the photograph. <br>
<br>Since 1990 he teaches at the Cambridge Center of Adult Education, ranging from basic photography to digital darkroom and photographic field workshops concentrating on light in photography. He's also taught photography at the Landscape Institute formerly at Harvard, the Quaker Palestine Youth Program in Palestine, filmmaking for 10 years at Boston College, and various workshops at Quaker gatherings.<br>
He joins with others in various campaigns for peace, justice, reconciliation, & truth-telling. He plays, experiments, & contemplates—might get arrested and imprisoned periodically. Maybe he joins a pilgrimage, a vigil, a rally or a talk or an outing along a river; maybe he simply stays home and absorbs the afternoon light. <br>
<br>He photographs: he is a socially engaged photographer.<br><br>He makes photographs for you a viewer, for his family and friends that you and they might know him more intimately, for himself to remember where and when he existed, and for you not yet born.<br>
<br>He invites you to examine what he's made & see what you think. <br><br><b>Footage:</b> <a href="http://www.joepublicfilms.com/" target="_blank">http://www.joepublicfilms.com/</a><br><br>Adham Khalil, AFSC Gaza—<a href="http://vimeo.com/11551687" target="_blank">http://vimeo.com/11551687</a><br>
<br><b>Links:</b><br><br>Skip Schiel's website: <a href="http://teeksaphoto.org" target="_blank">http://teeksaphoto.org</a><br><br>Schiel's blog: <a href="http://skipschiel.wordpress.com" target="_blank">http://skipschiel.wordpress.com</a><br>
Joe Public Films: <a href="http://www.joepublicfilms.com/" target="_blank">http://www.joepublicfilms.com/</a><br><br>About the movie making in Gaza: <a href="http://skipschiel.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/eyewitness-gaza-a-movie-thru-my-lens/" target="_blank">http://skipschiel.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/eyewitness-gaza-a-movie-thru-my-lens/</a><br>
<br>+++++++++++<br><br>Skip Schiel (a.k.a Ein al-Nour)<br><div dir="ltr"><div><br>9 Sacramento St<br>Cambridge MA 02138-1843 USA<br><a href="mailto:skipschiel@gmail.com" target="_blank">skipschiel@gmail.com</a><br>617-441-7756 (land line)<br>
617-230-6314 (mobile, used only on special occasions)</div>
<div><a href="http://teeksaphoto.org/" target="_blank">http://teeksaphoto.org</a><br><a href="http://skipschiel.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">http://skipschiel.wordpress.com</a><i><br><br></i><font face="Verdana"><font size="-1"><i>Question: How can justice be secured in Athens?
<br>Solon: If those who are not injured feel as indignant as those who are.<br><br></i>—Solon</font></font><br><font face="Verdana"><font size="-1"><i><br></i></font></font></div>
<div>To join my email list about my experiences in PALESTINE-ISRAEL <b>(Dispatches from Gaza, November 16-January 1, 2010)</b>, and after I return home for postings related to that issue and very personal reflections and photographs, please reply with SUBSCRIBE LEVANT in the subject line.</div>
<p>To subscribe to my PHOTO-MOVIE list, what I make (on a variety of topics), plus relevant other information and examples from other photographers. I'll send links (average 1-3 links per week), not actual photo files. If interested, please respond with SUBSCRIBE PHOTO-MOVIE.<br>