<b>The Boston Sass Attack.org Radical Cheerleaders present:<br>A Cheer Teach-In for the Immokalee Workers!!</b><br><br>Date: Tuesday March 15th<br>Time: 7pm<br>Place: Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St, Boston MA 02116<br>
Who: Folks who have the will and ability to try and dance--- no experience / skill required!<br>Please RSVP: <a href="mailto:bostonsassattack@gmail.com">bostonsassattack@gmail.com</a> Why not bring a friend or two to join in the fun with you??<br>
<br>INFO:<br>The Coalition of Immokalee Workers consists of and represents farm
workers in Florida who pick tomatoes. For every pound of tomatoes they
pick, they are paid 1.4 cents. They are asking supermarkets, like Stop
and Shop who buy the produce they harvest, to work with them to receive
ONE PENNY MORE per pound of tomatoes. <br><br>So Boston Sass Attack is
hosting a Flash Mob! That means you and your friends can come
participate in this action and support the Immokalee workers by coming
to just one practice and the event! We'll teach you a relatively easy,
super hott dance to the tune of Baby One More Time! <br> <br>Visit the CIW home page and watch this short video!<br><a href="http://ciw-online.org/supermarket_video_2011action.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span>http://ciw-online.org/supe</span><span class="word_break"></span><span>rmarket_video_2011action.h</span><span class="word_break"></span>tml</a><br>
<br>Check out more about the squad and watch our other cheers at:<br><a href="http://BostonSassAttack.org">BostonSassAttack.org</a><br><div style="visibility: hidden; display: inline;" id="avg_ls_inline_popup"></div><style type="text/css">#avg_ls_inline_popup { position:absolute; z-index:9999; padding: 0px 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 240px; overflow: hidden; word-wrap: break-word; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: left; line-height: 13px;}</style>