Hey folks sorry for the short notice again.<br><br>There is a rally tomorrow at 2pm in Copley to Free Libya! and to honor the <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/12/al-jazeera-cameraman-ali-hassan-al-jaber-killed-libya_n_834947.html">slain Al-Jazeera journalist</a>, Ali Hassan Al-Jaber. <br>
<br>Incidentally, many Libyans are supporting the idea of a 'no fly zone' so I hope that
some of you can come and help make the case against Western military
intervention. It is obviously a BURNING question for the movement here and in Benghazi, because the UN Security Council has <a href="http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/mar2011/liby-m18.shtml">just voted</a> to authorize "all necessary means" for a Western military intervention.<br>
<br><span>This is unfortunate for on simple reason: the
imperial powers who co-sponsored the resolution (France, Britain, and
the US) are FAR FAR FAR more murderous and criminal than Qaddafi could
ever hope to be. The US and Britain have killed hundreds of <span class="text_exposed_show">THOUSANDS of Iraqis for their own (oil) interests. The US and Britain
have killed tens of THOUSANDS in Afghanistan for their own interests. CIA
drone strikes killed over 900 people in Pakistan last year alone. <br>While Obama cries crocodile tears for Qaddafi's victims, the US has quietly supported the repression of rebellion in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia, among other places. Put simply: The Western imperial powers
don't give a F*&$ about "human rights" or civilian casualties. Certainly not in Libya.
They only want to control the OIL. <br>Thus, we must OPPOSE all US military
intervention in Libya, as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the rest of the region.</span></span> <br>
<br>Here's the Facebook event page:<br>
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=196199673745110&ref=notif¬if_t=event_invite#!/event.php?eid=196049680427013">http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=196199673745110&ref=notif¬if_t=event_invite#!/event.php?eid=196049680427013</a><br>