Hi all,<br><br>Just wanted to send out a reminder and an APPEAL for your SUPPORT for tomorrow (Friday)'s OCCUPY THE HOOD rally in Dudley Sq. Plaza at 6pm. <br><font face="arial, sans-serif"><br>English info / flyers: <br>
<a href="http://blackstonian.com/news/2011/10/occupy-the-hood-boston-fri-oct-21-6pm-dudley-sq/">http://blackstonian.com/news/2011/10/occupy-the-hood-boston-fri-oct-21-6pm-dudley-sq/</a><br><br>
Spanish info / flyers: </font><br>
<a href="http://blackstonian.com/news/2011/10/ocupa-el-barrio-boston-espanol-flyers/" target="_blank">http://blackstonian.com/news/2011/10/ocupa-el-barrio-boston-espanol-flyers</a><br><font face="arial, sans-serif"><a href="http://g.co/maps/bwkvs" target="_blank"></a></font><font face="arial, sans-serif"><br>
</font>I know most of you are aware of this, but a quick point of information: wealth inequality as indicated by the most recent<a href="http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-07-26-census-wealth-data_n.htm" target="_blank"> US Census Data</a>
shows that median wealth of whites is 20 TIMES that of Blacks and 18
TIMES that of Hispanics. Never mind the racial disparities in access to
housing, education, health care, and jobs... <br><br>Bottom line: if we want to unite ALL of the 99%, we NEED to support Occupy the
Hood in every way possible because this event represents a new stage of our movement in terms of the entry into it of BLACK and BROWN
Boston. The purpose of this event is primarily to highlight and build the energy, momentum and attention of the global Occupy movement inside communities of color in Boston, and also to build multiracial UNITY to confront the corporate domination of our society. It nearly brings tears to my eyes to imagine the possibilities
of this development... <b></b><br><b><br>Community Groups/Orgs already signed on:</b><br>UMN - Union of Minority Neighborhoods<br>Mass Uniting<br>Jobs with Justice<br>Vida Urbana - City Life<br>ACE Alternatives for Community Environment<br>
ACLU<br><br><b>So what can you do to support this? </b>Anything and everything!<br><br>First of all, please show up. ESPECIALLY if you are a person of color.<br><br>Occupy Boston will likely send some volunteers for legal observing, media coverage, and so on. <br>
But the more support we have the better. <br><br>If you can bring your voice, do that. <br>If you can film and take pictures for your facebook page, do that.<br>If you can bring 2 friends and/or 5 family members, do that.<br>
<br>If you can only forward this email to twenty other people, do that.<br><br>We hope to have you, in mind, body, and or spirit, in Roxbury tomorrow!!<br><br>SOLIDARITY,<br>Brian<br>