<div class="gmail_quote">Join the Consulate of Venezuela in Boston and the Bolivarian Circle<br><div class="gmail_quote"><div bgcolor="#ffffff"><div>"Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr." for a special screening of Growing<br>Change, a
documentary by Simon Cunich, about community-‐led revolution<br>for a just food
system in Venezuela.<br><br>Come learn how Venezuela is building a new food
system from the ground<br>up through powerful and inspiring footage and
commentary straight from<br>the heart of Venezuela’s food revolution. Featuring
Venezuelan<br>farmers, fishers, and community leaders plus leading figures in
the<br>global food movement.<br><br>The film will be followed by first-hand
reports from William Camacaro,<br>a Venezuelan-born radio host and a long time
social justice activist<br>in New York City, who organizes food sovereignty
delegations to<br>Venezuela.<br><br>About the film: Growing Change is an
inspiring new documentary that<br>looks at one of the most exciting experiments
in the world to grow a<br>fair and sustainable food system. In Venezuela, from
fishing villages<br>to cacao plantations to urban gardens, a growing social
movement is<br>showing what’s possible when communities, not corporations, start
to<br>take control of food.<br><br><br>Check out the trailer: <a href="http://www.simoncunich.com.au/" target="_blank">http://www.simoncunich.com.au/</a><br><br>For more information on
food sovereignty in Venezuela:<br><br><a href="http://www.venezuela.foodsovereignty.com.au/" target="_blank">http://www.venezuela.foodsovereignty.com.au/</a><br><br>Thursday,
June 7th, 7:00-‐8:30 PM<br><br>At: Lucy Parsons Center<br>358A Centre
Street<br>Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts<br>02130<br>phone: <a href="tel:%28617%29%20522-6098" value="+16175226098" target="_blank">(617) 522-6098</a><br><a href="mailto:lucyparsons@tao.ca" target="_blank">lucyparsons@tao.ca</a><br>
<br>Free attendance. Light
refreshments will be served<br></div><br></div>