<p>Hey fellow activists and organizers,</p>
<p>The countdown to our <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/73630872/">6th birthday party</a> has officially begun! We have so much to celebrate - 2000+ members, 130+ events, and countless connections since 2006. Pretty amazing for a volunteer-run grassroots group that's <a href="http://www.sojust.org/dues">funded by our members</a>.</p>
<p><b>Upcoming Events:</b><br>
Saturday, July 28 - <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/67304382/">Recess for Justice</a><br>
<i>Monday, August 6 - </i><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/71752642/"><i>Skillshare: Socially Responsible Investing </i></a><br>
Thursday, September 6 - <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/73630312/">Skillshare: Art of the Schmooze</a><br>
Thursday, September 13 - <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/73630872/">SoJust is 6! Connecting for Justice (Open House)</a></p>
<p><i>Are you ready to meet like-minded progressives and get connected to great social justice organizations in Boston</i>? SoJust is all about building a cross-cultural, cross-issue progressive community and network in Boston based on the philosophy of abundance. We're doing it by putting the SOCIAL back in SOCIAL JUSTICE. We focus on creating welcoming spaces that foster relationship-building across issue silos. Join us if you are ready to go BEYOND ALLIES and build a CROSS-ISSUE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT.</p>
<p><b>Recess for Justice</b><br>
<b>July 28, 11:00AM-1:00PM</b><br>
Southwest Corridor (Stony Brook)<br>
It's time for Recess! Put down your work and join us for some outdoor fun. Bring your favorite outdoor game - we'll likely have: a Frisbee, kickball & chalk (for 4-square!), jump rope, a basketball and whatever other randomness we can think of.<br>
<b>RSVP for Recess: </b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/67304382/">http://www.sojust.org/events/67304382/</a><br></p>
<p><i>Skillshare: Socially Responsible Investing by Joby Gelbspan</i><br>
<i>August 6, 6:00 - 8:30PM</i><br>
<i>The NonProfit Center (South Station)</i><br>
How do we manage our finances to best sustain ourselves and support our vision of a more just economy? This is a chance to learn investment basics and discuss financial management with a local progressive activist and finance professional. No prior knowledge expected: we'll start with fundamentals and definitions. Participants should come away with a more intuitive sense of how to use investments, and ideas about how to research and choose between different financial tools without checking your politics at the door. <br>
<b>RSVP for Investing: </b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/71752642/">http://www.sojust.org/events/71752642/</a><br></p>
<p><b>Skillshare: Art of the Schmooze by Robbie Samuels</b><br>
<b>September 6, 6:00-8:30PM</b><br>
The NonProfit Center (South Station)<br>
Forming and cultivating relationships is at the heart of any successful fundraising campaign, volunteer drive, committee effort or community building activity. This training will give you the confidence to pursue your personal goals - from the importance of shaking hands and making eye contact, to tips on the best opening line and how to exit a conversation gracefully. An amazing side benefit is that you'll learn how to create a welcoming community space by keeping an eye out for outliers, considering yourself a host instead of a guest and knowing how to compliment someone without "othering" them.<br>
<b>RSVP for Schmooze: </b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/73630312/">http://www.sojust.org/events/73630312/</a><br></p>
<p><b>SoJust is 6! Connecting for Justice (Open House)</b><br>
<b>September 13, 6:00-8:30PM</b><br>
Lir on Boylston (Hynes Convention Center)<br>
SoJust is 6! That's right, it's been SIX years since our first event! Join us to <i>celebrate 2000+ members, 130+ events and countless connections</i> made since 2006! Our birthday parties are always our biggest events. <b>Haven't been to a Socializing for Justice event?</b> It’s time to meet 120+ friendly SoJusters!<br>
<b>RSVP for SoJust is 6! </b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/73630872/">http://www.sojust.org/events/73630872/</a><br>
<p><i>SOCIALIZING FOR JUSTICE - </i><a href="http://www.sojust.org/"><i>www.sojust.org</i></a><br>
<i>SoJust is not a non-profit 501(c)(3).</i> We're a grassroots volunteer-run member-supported cross-issue progressive community that's been growing steadily since August 2006. We have 2000+ members, hosted 130+ events and manage an online hub of progressive events and resources at <a href="http://www.sojust.org">www.sojust.org</a>. If you've benefited from this cross-issue progressive network, please contribute the suggested annual membership fee of $25. You may do this <a href="http://www.sojust.org/dues/">online</a> or at any of our events. Thank you for helping us continue to provide a space for like-minded progressives of all stripes.</p>
<p><i>Want to know more about SoJust?</i> Check out our <a href="http://sojust.meetup.com/1/messages/boards/view/viewthread?thread=3187615">Frequently Asked Questions</a> and <a href="http://sojust.meetup.com/1/photos/">past event photos</a>!<br>