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National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba
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<p class="subtitle">Guido Lopez-Gavilan, Guest Conductor and Nachito
Harrera, Piano</p>
<span class="date-display-single">Wednesday, October 24, 2012</span><br>
Hall</a> - 8:00 PM Performance, 7PM Pre-concert Talk by Steven
<span class="field-label">Tickets:</span> $49 Adults, $15 student
,$5 under age 18 - <a target="_blank" class="ext"
<p>Enrique Pérez Mesa, Music Director for the National Symphony
Orchestra of Cuba will be sending his orchestra with guest
conductor Guido Lópex-Gavilán and pianist Ignacio "Nachito"
Herrera on their historic first tour to the United States in the
Fall of 2012! The NSO of Cuba has been instrumental in developing
and introducing Cuban and Latin American music to the
international classical music community. </p>
<p>Nachito Herrera stunned audiences at age twelve, performing
Rachmaninoff's Concerto No. 2 with the Havana Symphony Orchestra
and has been widely recognized as a young genius on the piano.</p>
<h2 class="field-label">Sample Music</h2>
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