Hi fellow activists and organizers,<br><br>I hope you're reading this from home, safe and dry. For those of you who are "essential" employees, thank you for helping keep the rest of us safe during Hurricane Sandy.<br>
<br>Read on to learn about <a href="http://www.sojustvote.com" target="_blank">SoJust Vote!</a> our progressive voter guide and several upcoming SoJust events. Also, we're now accepting applications to be our <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/89047472/" target="_blank">Winter/Spring Organizer Intern.</a><br>
<br>For Justice,<br>Robbie<br><br><b>Upcoming Events</b><br>11/5: <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/85833092/" target="_blank"><span>Skillshare: Leading With Purpose - Turning Great Ideas Into Reality</span></a> <br>
11/6: <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/88924452/" target="_blank"><span>Election Night Viewing Party with SoJust & NLC Boston</span></a><br>11/13: <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/88923762/" target="_blank"><span>Billiards for Justice</span></a><br>
<br><b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/89054112/" target="_blank"><span>Are you voting? SoJust Vote! #iSoJustVoted</span></a></b><br><i>RSVP if you're registered to vote and your voting!</i><br><br>
<font><a href="http://www.sojustvote.com" target="_blank"><span>SoJust Vote!</span></a> <span>is
a guide for progressive voters. </span><span>We won’t tell you who to vote for-- but
we can tell you who progressive organizations have determined to be a
good choice based on a variety of issues from marriage equality to
reproductive choice to the environment to racial justice. </span>Check out</font>
<font> <a href="http://www.sojustvote.com" target="_blank"><span style="color:rgb(17,85,204);text-decoration:underline">SoJustVote.com</span></a> <span>and see who has already been endorsed.</span><br></font>
<b>Read more:</b> <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/89054112/" target="_blank">http://www.sojust.org/events/89054112/</a><br><br><b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/89047472/" target="_blank"><span>SoJust Organizer Intern Winter/Spring 2013</span></a></b><br>
<p>Announcing an opportunity to work with Socializing for Justice as an
Organizer Intern! This is an amazing learning experience and we're
hoping to find the right person who shares our passion for social change
and has a willingness to learn more about organizing. Please share this with your friends. <em>You do not have to be a student to apply.</em> If you are a student, we'll work with you if you're able to receive credit.<br>
<b>Read on for full description:</b> <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/89047472/" target="_blank">http://www.sojust.org/events/89047472/</a><br></p><br><b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/85833092/" target="_blank"><span>Skillshare: Leading With Purpose - Turning Great Ideas Into Reality</span></a> <br>
by Rachel O’h-Uiginn <br>Monday, November 5 - 6PM-8PM<br>The NonProfit Center (by South Station)</b><br><br>
How many times have you said “I have a great idea..” only to become
overwhelmed with how to actually make it happen? This is a chance for
inspired leaders, change-makers and individuals to get in the right
frame of mind to turn your bright idea into reality and have it succeed.
Through interactive, creative exercises you’ll be contemplating,
envisioning and sharing your grand plan with others so you can walk
away with a clear sense of what really is possible and what it will take
to get your idea going and growing.
<br><b>Register:</b> <a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/85833092/" target="_blank">http://www.sojust.org/events/85833092/</a><br><br><b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/88924452/" target="_blank"><span>Election Night Viewing Party with SoJust & NLC Boston</span></a><br>
Tuesday, November 7 - 7PM<br>The Landsdowne (by Kendall Square)</b><br><p>Join Socializing for Justice, and our co-host New Leaders Council -
Boston, at The Landsdowne on November 6th at 7PM to de-brief,
de-compress and de-stress as we watch the results come in.</p>
<p>You <a href="http://www.sojustvote.com" target="_blank">SoJust Voted</a>, you made
phone calls, you knocked on doors, you donated, and now that election
season is coming to a close, you SoJust need to relax. Whether we’re
tearing our hair out or celebrating, it’s safe to say we could use a
<p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="color:#ff0000"><strong>But please remember to vote first!</strong></span></span> Find your polling place at <a href="http://www.wheredoivotema.com" target="_blank">www.wheredoivotema.com</a> and see who progressive organizations have endorsed at <a href="http://www.SoJustVote.com" target="_blank">www.SoJustVote.com</a></p>
<b>RSVP: </b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/88924452/" target="_blank">http://www.sojust.org/events/88924452/</a><br><br><b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/88923762/" target="_blank"><span>Billiards for Justice</span></a><br>
Tuesday, November 13 - 6PM<br>Jillians (by Kendall Square)</b><br><p>Don't worry if you don't rock the cue stick. Lots of people aren't
that great at pool, but some SoJusters have claimed to have the skills.
So show up for lessons, laughs, or just good people.
We'll have a few tables reserved from 6-8PM for the pool sharks, but
plenty of non-billiards hanging out as well. Jillian's has some great
appetizers, sandwiches and a full bar.</p><b>RSVP: </b><a href="http://www.sojust.org/events/88923762/" target="_blank">http://www.sojust.org/events/88923762/</a><br><p><font size="1"><i>Unsubscribe? You are not on a mailing list. You are receiving
email from the Organizer of Socializing for Justice because you are a
member. Visit </i><a href="http://www.meetup.com/account/comm/" target="_blank"><i>http://www.meetup.com/account/comm/</i></a><i> to manage your group membership.</i></font> </p><br><br>