<b>Thursday, June 13th, 7pm. Safe and Sound Gun Laws: A Dialogue.</b> Dr. David Hemenway, international expert on gun violence as a public health issue (Harvard School of Public Health) with Mayors Against Illegal Guns , faith leaders and JP Teen Empowerment. Dialogue on how gun violence has hurts our communities and how we can work together to reduce gun violence. Hosted by the Jamaica Plain Forum and <a href=" http://safeandsoundgunlaws.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/jp_forum_flyer.pdf ">Advocates for Safe and Sound Gun Laws.</a><div>
<div>Unitarian Universalist Church, Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain @ the Monument. #39 bus.</div><div><br></div><div>Sherry Flashman<br>
<div>Planner and Fundraiser</div><div><a href="tel:617-327-6999" value="+16173276999" target="_blank">617-327-6999</a> </div><a href="tel:617-413-5163" value="+16174135163" target="_blank">617-413-5163</a> (cell)<br><div>