[Act-ma_discuss] Guantanamo 20th anniversary Tuesday

Amy Hendrickson amyh at texnology.com
Sun Jan 9 08:34:33 PST 2022



From: Susan McLucas [mailto:susanbmcl at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2022 10:07 AM

Dear friends of Assange,


I think you are probably also friends of the prisoners at Guantanamo.


Tuesday is the 20th anniversary of the opening of the detention center at Guantanamo, in Cuba!  


I would like to stand out on Tuesday, Jan 11, at Park St Station at 1pm.  I have plenty of signs and jumpsuits.  Please join me, if you can and want to.  I will do a press release.  Sometimes anniversaries get press out.  It will be very cold (around 10 degrees) so dress accordingly.  We will stay for an hour or so.  Come prepared to speak if you like.  We will put our action on social media after the fact, to amplify our reach.  You don't have to but, if you know you'll come, I'd love to know.


I think it's also important to write letters to the editor.  Letter at globe.com <mailto:Letter at globe.com>  is the address for writing the Boston Globe.  Let's send them lots of letters and hope they print one or two.  Also consider writing local papers (though not weekly ones, at this late date).  They print letters more willingly.


There are 39 men at Guantanamo, including 13 who have already been cleared for release, some of them for many years!  Biden has only released one, though he ran on a promise to close Guantanamo.


Please write to President Biden.  The really easy way is at whitehouse.gov/contact <http://whitehouse.gov/contact> .  It probably has more impact to write a letter to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave,NW, Washington,  DC, 20500.  


Those of you who use Twitter, please light it up with our message on Tuesday.  Christopher Spicer, who has joined us at some of our protests and who works with Witness Against Torture, forwarded this call for Twitter posts on Tuesday.  (I've left all the groups that have forwarded it in my message to you, in case it's useful to know and also in case you might want to get involved with them.  I'm attaching their call for tweets, which can also serve as inspiration for letters to the editor and the president.


A good source of info on Guantanamo, and a good group to support, is CloseGuantanamo.org.


Thanks for caring about Guantanamo.  I hope to see some of you Tuesday.


Susan McLucas, 617-501-9125




Dr. Maha Hilal

Justice for Muslims Collective

innocentuntilprovenmuslim at gmail.com <mailto:innocentuntilprovenmuslim at gmail.com> 

  <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/jpukK-5i-a977827uPVBYhr8HHdqh4Ar-8rPK-hjtJtbuWFCIPDOg_j_UQXB5irBAnj1hjl1ZDk6xnXnpY0ACXfUzCIZp5rbq9Pb9ivlPZ_EGqRrbwZY9uoaMb0meEK-w8eJmHmh> 1325 G Street, NW Suite 557, Washington, D.C. 20005

www.justiceformuslims.org <http://www.justiceformuslims.org/>  


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bryan Bowman <bryanb at rethinkmedia.org <mailto:bryanb at rethinkmedia.org> >
Date: Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 2:48 PM
Subject: *Important* Social Media Kit and More Info for Gitmo Anniversary
To: <active-hrscoalition at googlegroups.com <mailto:active-hrscoalition at googlegroups.com> >


Hi all, 


Attached is a social media toolkit we put together for the Gitmo anniversary on Tuesday, including graphics and sample tweets.  Feel free to draw from and tweak the sample tweets as you wish, but it’s also important for folks to have individualized posts ready to go throughout the day. We will be using the hashtag #CloseGuantanamo. 


While we are encouraging folks to be active on social media throughout the day on Tuesday, we will also be doing a “Tweetstorm” at 12pm EST. Please make sure to have a few posts teed up for that time. You can schedule tweets by signing into your account at tweetdeck.twitter.com <http://tweetdeck.twitter.com/> . You can draft a tweet there and will see a “schedule tweet” option below the text box. 


Given the way Twitter’s algorithm works, the Tweetstorm will help boost our content and hopefully get our hashtag trending. 


We encourage you all to respond to this email to the listserv with any content, resources, or information that you would like others to help amplify. But the most important way we can amplify each other’s content and maximize our impact is for folks to join the Twitter DM group ReThink is creating. Once the group is created, everyone will be able to share all of their relevant Guantanamo-related tweets so that others can retweet and maximize their reach. 


If you haven’t done so already, please respond to this email with your and/or your organization’s twitter handle if you’d like to be included in the group. 


Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I will be out of the office next week, but Emily will be following up with you all ahead of Tuesday. 


All the best, 


Bryan Bowman 

Peace and Security Fellow

ReThink Media 


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Susan McLucas

617-776-6524, cell: 617-501-9125

BicycleRidingSchool.org, StopExcision.net

14 William St, Somerville, MA 02144


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