[act-ma] Ukraine: Why Workers Should Back Fight Against Russian Domination - Militant Labor Forum, Friday March 7

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 12:49:34 PST 2014

The Militant Labor
Why Workers Should Back Fight Against Russian Domination, For
The regime of Ukrainian
President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown following three months of mass
mobilizations and clashes with government forces. The tyrant fled Feb. 22 as
hundreds of thousands took to the streets, made more determined by a bloody
crackdown days earlier.  On March 1
Russian troops took control of the Crimean Peninsula in southern Ukraine, and
pro-Russian demonstrations have taken place in cities in the eastern part of
the country.
   At the heart of the struggle against Yanukovych
by workers, youth and others are the aspirations of the Ukrainian people to
break free from Russian domination that has lasted for centuries, with the
exception of the early years of the 1917 Russian Revolution under the
leadership of V. I. Lenin. Yanukovych, hated for his corruption and repression
of political rights, bowed at every turn to pressure from Russian President Vladimir
Putin to maintain Moscow’s economic and political stranglehold on Ukraine.
   Come to a discussion on why working people
in the US should support the fight for self-determination by the toilers of the
Ukraine and oppose Russian military intervention.
Friday, March 7 – 7:30 PM
Militant Labor Forum Hall
13 Bennington Street, 2nd
East Boston, MA 02128
or email: bostonmlf at yahoo.com  
Traducción al español

Donation – $5
Visit themilitant.com and pathfinderpress.com for news, analysis, and books T Blue
Line to Maverick Station, 120 bus or walk five blocks down Meridian to
Benningtonat Liberty Plaza

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