[act-ma] 12/10 [any MA buses?] Fwd: MAINE: FREE seat on bus to D.C. to rally for state's right to label GMOs

James in Cambridge tompaine at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 6 13:19:24 PST 2014

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 15:55:59 -0500
From: tfusco2 at myfairpoint.net
To: peaceworks at lists.riseup.net
Subject: [peaceworks] Fwd: MAINE: Sign up for your FREE seat on the bus to D.C. to rally for states' rights to label GMOs!





      -------- Forwarded Message --------
            MAINE: Sign up for your FREE seat on the bus to D.C. to
              rally for states' rights to label GMOs!
            Sat, 6 Dec 2014 14:21:28 -0500 (EST)
            Organic Consumers Association
              <camapigns at organicconsumers.org>
            charlotte at organicconsumers.org
            tfusco2 at myfairpoint.net



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                    MAINE: Sign up for your FREE seat on the bus to
                      D.C. to rally for states' rights to label GMOs!
                    What: Rally to protest the Pompeo “DARK ACT”,
                        a bill to kill states’ rights to label GMOs

                        When: December 10, 2014, rally at 9 a.m. with
                        lunch to follow

                        Where: Rayburn House Office Building, 45
                        Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20219  


                    Dear Thomas,

                    In 2013, Maine became the second state in the
                      nation to pass a GMO labeling law. Connecticut and
                      Vermont have also passed GMO labeling laws. (The
                      jury is still out in Oregon, as votes continue to
                      be counted).

                    Monsanto and Big Food are running scared. So
                      they’ve written a bill, H.R. 4432, introduced by
                      Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan), which would preempt
                      states from passing GMO labeling laws. That bill
                      will get its first hearing on Wednesday, December

                    Join OCA and Mainers Against Monsanto and get
                        a FREE ride to Washington D.C. on December 10 to
                        stop the attack on GMO labeling! Click here to reserve your
                          FREE seat today! The bus has free
                      wi-fi, dvd video, plenty of cargo space,
                      comfortable-spacious seating, restrooms and
                      wheelchair lifts.

                    Schedule: Pick-ups are: 5
                      p.m. at Dysart's in Hermon, 6:30 p.m. from the
                      Civic Center in Augusta, and 7:45 p.m. from the
                      Best Western in South Portland.

                    We'll leave DC at the end of the day, 8 p.m.
                      Wednesday, December 10 and arrive back in South
                      Portland by 7 a.m. Thursday, December 11. And,
                      arrive back in Augusta by 8:15 a.m. and Bangor
                      around 9:30 a.m.

                    Help us spread the word and fill up the bus!
                        Forward this email and share this page with your
                        friends and family!


                    Maine’s GMO labeling law contains a
                      “trigger” clause which keeps it from being enacted
                      unless a similar law is passed in four other
                      contiguous states, including New Hampshire.

                    In 2015, we hope to pass legislation to remove
                      the trigger from Maine’s LD 718. But if Congress
                      passes Pompeo’s bill, the DARK (Deny Americans the
                      Right to Know) ACT,  Maine’s GMO labeling law will
                      never be enacted, because neighboring states will
                      be preempted from passing their own GMO labeling
                      bills and Maine will be preempted from removing
                      the trigger clause.

                    We need to stop this attack on the constitutional
                      right of states to pass GMO labeling laws.

                    OCA, with help from Friends of the Earth, Credo,
                      Maine Sierra Club, Food Democracy Now! and other
                      groups, is organizing busloads of people to attend
                      the hearing, followed by a rally and an organic
                      lunch. But if we want to have an impact, if we
                      want to attract the attention of Congress and the
                      media, we need a minimum of 1000 people to be

                    Please join us in
                        Washington D.C. on December 10 to tell Congress
                        you support states’ rights to pass GMO labeling
                        laws, and consumers’ right to know what’s in
                        their food.  

                    Click here to reserve your
                          FREE seat on the bus to D.C. today! An
                        organizer will be in touch to confirm your

                    -   Charlotte and Katherine for the OCA team


                          Connect With OCA:


                                  email was sent to tfusco2 at myfairpoint.net.
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                                      Organic Consumers Association
                                      (OCA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
                                      organization campaigning for
                                      health, justice, peace,
                                      sustainability and democracy.
                                      Donations to the OCA are
                                      tax-deductible to the fullest
                                      extent of the law.
                                All content © 2013
                                  Organic Consumers Association, All
                                  Rights Reserved

                                  67‌71 Sou‌th Silver Hill Dri‌ve

                                  Fi‌nland, M‌N 556‌03

                                  Phone: 21‌8-226-41‌64

                                  Fax: 21‌8-353-76‌52 

                                        Paid for by
                                          Organic Consumers Association




Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks

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