[act-ma] This Saturday, Running for Local Office Workshop, 1-4pm, Cambridge

James O'Keefe jokeefe at jamesokeefe.org
Thu Nov 10 10:27:09 PST 2016

With the November election done, it’s time to think about local elections
in 2017!

As part of the Massachusetts Pirate Party’s <https://masspirates.org> “run
local” initiative, on Saturday November 12th we’re organizing a series of
workshops on how to run in a local election.  We’re talking town meetings,
city councils, and school committees.  It doesn’t take a fortune to run,
you don’t need an army of volunteers, and the work you do can make a real
difference in your community.

This workshop is open to everyone.  If you plan to attend, we would
appreciate it if you signed up at:


If you’ve ever considered running for local office, then this workshop is
for you — even if you’re still on the fence.  We’ll talk about logistics
(filing paperwork and gathering signatures), ideas for running small but
effective campaigns, and what happens after you’ve won the election. The
schedule is:

   1. What you can do in local government;
   2. Running for town meeting;
   3. Running for other town and city offices;
   4. Discussion on what a local Pirate platform should look like (for
   those interested).

People who’ve served in local office are also encouraged to attend,
regardless of party affiliation.  We hope you’ll share your experiences,
and the things you learned while running.

This event will be held in the Mandela Room of the Democracy Center, 45
Mount Auburn St., Harvard Square, Cambridge, from 1:00 – 4:00pm on Saturday
November 12th.  The Democracy Center is an awesome place, but unfortunately
it is not wheelchair accessible.

We would like to bring this workshop to other parts of the Commonwealth, so
if you or your local group would like to host, we are happy to come out
over the next few months.

Again, the sign up form is at:


James O'Keefe
Captain, Massachusetts Pirate Party / masspirates.org
w: jamesokeefe.org <https://www.jamesokeefe.org/>  e: jokeefe
@jamesokeefe.org  m: 617-447-0210
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