[act-ma] Fwd: 'An American Housewife in Syria' Sun Nov 19 2pm @ Boston College

David Rolde davidrolde at comcast.net
Thu Nov 2 14:19:31 PDT 2017

I am very excited to promote this talk by Janice Kortkamp coming up the afternoon of Sunday, Nov 19 at Boston College. Janice will talk about her visits to Syria as an independent journalist. The talk is sponsored by the Syrian American Forum, of which I am a member.  ~ David Rolde

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Saf New england <saf.newengland at gmail.com>
> Subject: An American Housewife in Syria
> Date: October 31, 2017 at 2:21:22 PM EDT
> To: Saf New england <saf.newengland at gmail.com>
> Hi all, 
> The Syrian American Forum would like to invite you to a talk by Janice Kortkamp, titled An American Housewife in Syria.
> The talk will take place at Boston College (Fulton Hall-Room 511) on Sunday November 19th, 2017, 2:00-4:00pm.
> Janice Kortamp became an independent and completely self funded journalist after noticing the western media bias regarding Syria, and how that bias was promoting war and destabilization in Syria and the levant region.
> She visited Syria four times over the past year and half ,spending three months traveling around highly populated areas ,on the out skirts of Damascus, Homs, Latakia, Kassb, Tartous, Arwad, Aleppo and recently  Deir al Zour. Kortump also traveled to meet Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Kuwait, and Germany. Additionally she tracks the situation in Syria on a daily basis.
> We look forward to seeing you on Sunday November 19th to hear more about Janice Kortamp's work in the region.
> Regards,
> SAF-NE  

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