[act-ma] SUNDAY - Stop the GOP Tax Bill!

Cole Harrison cole at masspeaceaction.org
Fri Dec 8 14:11:42 PST 2017

Stop the GOP Tax Bill
Sunday, December 10 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Boston Common - Charles St.
[image: Stop the GOP Tax Bill]
In 1773 Boston protested unfair taxation without representation. Today our
government is refusing to represent us. While people are struggling to meet
basic needs, our government is putting more money in the hands of those who
need it least.

We will gather on Sunday, December 10th to march from the Boston Common to
Boston Harbor as we fight for all those who will suffer under the GOP’s tax

There is time to beat this. Let’s stand together and send a message that we
aren’t ready to back down.

We are young people in the Boston area who didn’t want to see this tax plan
go unopposed, even in Massachusetts. To reach out, please contact us at
BOSteaparty2017 at gmail.com

This is a protest against the H.R.1 GOP tax bill that is close to being
passed officially in the House and Senate. We will march from the Boston
Common to the Boston Harbor, where we will hear from some speakers about
who this bill will most impact.

The GOP tax bill will make it even harder for the poor and middle class to
survive in the U.S.: by making health care even more expensive, by
increasing the tax rate for students, by making it impossible for some
families to move for better jobs, by penalizing people whose homes
experience fires or floods, and countless other impacts. Meanwhile, our
wealth is being given to the rich, and to corporations who make out with
fewer and fewer limitations to outsourcing jobs, cutting costs, and hurting
the people of the U.S. This is the truth of this bill.

December 16th is likely the last day the GOP will be able to ram this bill
through. There is time to beat this. While our own elected officials here
in MA are voting against this bill, together we can send a strong message
to the rest of the country that this disastrous tax bill can be stopped. In
doing so, we can strengthen our community to keep fighting these

Logistics such as the march route, speakers, etc are being worked on, and
will be posted closer to Sunday. Please let us know if you have any
specific concerns or suggestions.

If you represent an organization that would like to endorse or otherwise
participate in this event, please email us at <BOSteaparty2017 at gmail.com>

#GOPtaxscam <https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/goptaxscam> #killthebill
Our Revolution Somerville
Sunrise Movement Boston
The Boston March for Science
Massachusetts Peace Action
Institute for Policy Studies- Program on Inequality
Jamaica Plain Forum
Party for Socialism and Liberation Boston
The People’s Budget Campaign
The Poor People's Campaign

#GOPtaxscam #killthebill

*"Not one step back"*

Cole Harrison
Executive Director
Massachusetts Peace Action - the Commonwealth's largest grassroots peace
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169 w
617-466-9274 m
Facebook: facebook.com/masspeaceaction
Twitter: masspeaceaction

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