[act-ma] Mystic Chorale concert, May 19/20 - From Selma to Soweto: Songs of Power, Boston

Marilyn Levin marilynl at alumni.neu.edu
Wed May 16 14:00:35 PDT 2018

Spring 2018 
Mystic Chorale 
>From Selma to Soweto: Songs of Power 
Led by Nick Page 

SATURDAY , May 19, 2018, 7:30pm or SUNDAY , May 20, 2018, 3:30pm 

Join the 200 singers of the Mystic Chorale singing songs of community, power and hope from the ongoing Civil Rights movements of South Africa and the US. We are thrilled to welcome returning guest, Dr. Ysaye Barnwell , who has spent three decades singing with Sweet Honey In The Rock and building communities of song throughout the world. Her central message—that together our voices matter—is sagely conveyed in the lyrics she wrote for Step by Step : “Many stones can build an arch, singly none.” 

We also welcome back South African friends Nthabi Thakadu, Phakamani Pega, and Pumla Bhungane, as well as pianist extraordinaire Jonathan Singleton. 

Audience and Chorale alike will enjoy Ysaye’s uplifting song-leading and a rich program that features several contemporary pieces, including one Ysaye wrote especially for Mystic that assures us, “We can rise higher than high, We can rise in love.” 

All of the songs—past and present, South African and American—deliver powerful and relevant messages for today’s world! 

Advance tickets are $15/ $20 at door. 

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