[act-ma] 2/27 - A #COVID19 #Pandemic Time Out

gmoke gmoke at world.std.com
Thu Mar 26 19:33:01 PDT 2020

FRIDAY 3/27, 5 pm ET – A #COVID19 #Pandemic Time Out

Few people on Earth are better girded for calamity than Jeff Schlegelmilch, Deputy Director of the Columbia Earth Institute National Center for Disaster Preparedness. Yet Jeff is urging us to tamp down our information inputs and take a breath. Come ask why! 

This webcast is produced by Andy Revkin, director of the Earth Institute Initiative on Communication and Sustainability and a longtime environmental journalist & author.  http://sustcomm.ei.columbia.edu

SUSTAIN WHAT is a global conversation identifying solutions to the complicated, shape-shifting and epic challenges of humanity’s Anthropocene moment. A prime focus is making sense of, and getting the most out of, the planet's fast-forward information environment -- the one Earth System changing faster than the actual environment.

Columbia University's Earth Institute Initiative on Communication and Sustainability.
For the time being, these sessions will be focused on mitigating the unfolding societal disruption and devastation driven by the global spread of Coronavirus Disease 19, best known today as COVID-19. But we will dip into other subjects and solutions when the time is right.

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