[act-ma] 4/14 Forum on Immigrants Rights

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Mon Apr 2 17:57:25 PDT 2007

Jamaica Plain Community Forum:

Stop the Raids and Deportations!

Legalization for all immigrants NOW!

No guest workers programs

You are invited to a Community Forum in support of the detained workers 
in New Bedford and for an immigration reform that unites families and 
defends workers’ rights. Everyone in the community is invited to speak out.

When? Saturday, April 14, 2007 at 1:00 PM

Where? Curtis Hall Community Center - 3rd Floor Gym
20 South St., Jamaica Plain, MA
(Take the Orange Line to Green street and walk up South Street,

or take buses 38, 39, 41, 48 to "the Monument" stop)

Housing, tenants, health, and legal services information will be 
available to the community at the forum.

*For more information call:* 617-524-3541 X303

or Norma Rosario at 617-524-4029 or Magalis Troncoso at 857-719-9055

*Boston May Day Coalition www.bostonmayday.org 
<http://www.bostonmayday.org/> *

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