[act-ma] Michael Kanter on Sustainable, Thriving Local Business

Adam Sacks adam_artist at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 15 10:32:57 PDT 2007

Michael Kanter on Sustainable, Thriving Local Business

Saturday, April 28, 2007 at 10 a.m.
Cary Library in Lexington Center
Lexington, Massachusetts
Sponsored by the Center for Democracy
and the Constitution
(781) 674-2339 for further information

Michael Kanter and his wife Elizabeth Stagl  founded Cambridge Naturals, a natural products retail
store. They combined their passion for natural health and organic foods with their need to earn a
living by starting a locally owned and independent business.  Now in business for over
thirty-three years, Cambridge Naturals continues to thrive amidst many chain stores that are
controlled from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Michael is a founding member and on the executive board of Cambridge Local First
(http://www.CambridgeLocalFirst.org, CLF), an organization that promotes the benefits of locally
owned and independent businesses to the community.  CLF is a member of the national organization,
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (www.LivingEconomies.org, BALLE) which now has 50
member groups (and many more in formation) around the country.  All of these groups offer
membership to businesses and residents who are eager to build sustainable, thriving communities.

Michael speaks at many conferences, both locally and at national trade shows, about the importance
of local economies.  He also consults with many small businesses and organizations on how to
thrive amidst growing chain stores and how to promote one's locally owned business as a valuable
and important part of the community.

Joining with other individuals and local business owners is the right thing to do and now is the
right time!  Learn what we in Lexington can do to be part of this vital and rapidly growing

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