[act-ma] Prison Writing Comes Alive!

Bruce Reilly bruha554 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 07:18:02 PDT 2007

Dear Friends In Solidarity,

While serving 12 years in prison I educated myself in diverse ways, unsure
of what knowledge could be useful to my community.  I honed my artistic
skills and wrote for all genres.  Within a year of my release I had an art
exhibit and directed a play containing the collected writings of Rhode
Island prisoners.

Now with my second anniversary looming, I am directing House of Death, a
play I wrote just prior to my release.  The show is at Perishable Theatre,
95 Empire Street, Providence, RI, May 3rd - 13th.  Tickets are available
through ArtTixRI.  www.arttixri.com/performance_info.cfm?PID=1267
Or call 401.621.6123

The play is a serious look at humanity, its politics and culture, through
the eyes of one inmate: the Grim Reaper.  As Dostoyevski said, "If you want
to understand a culture, look at its prisons."  The play is set in prison
and is actually quite funny.  Realistic language and rap battles... so

My last play served as a rallying point for activists to discuss prisons and
get charged on pending legislative battles.  Considering the several bills
we are currently pushing to reform probation laws and end mandatory
minimums, the timing for the show is excellent.  Hope to see you there!

In the Spirit of Havel,

Bruce Reilly
Artistic Director
1000 lbs Guerilla Theatre
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