[act-ma] 4/30 Labor Forum on Immigration

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Sun Apr 29 07:56:35 PDT 2007

Immigration: Challenges and Opportunities for the Labor Movement

Date: Monday, April 30, 2007
Place: St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral,
138 Tremont St, Boston (across from Park Street T)
Time: 6:00 PM
Speakers: Local Labor Leaders and Workers from New Bedford
Light Refreshments Provided

Last month ICE raided a New Bedford garment factory and seized 350 
immigrant workers and destroyed hard working families. Labor needs to 
stand up for the rights of all workers as we face a changing workforce 
in Massachusetts. We need to work within our unions to educate our 
members on the immigration issue and to build partnerships with 
immigrant communities.
Come hear local labor leaders along with immigrant workers fighting for 
their rights on the job.  We will ways to build for the future and 
prevent more New Bedfords from happening in our state.

CoSponsored by Community Labor United, Massachusetts Jobs with Justice, 
SEIU Local 509

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