[act-ma] Mon. 7/23 Davis Sq. "Impeach War Criminals!/End the War Now!"

Joseph G. Ramsey joseph.ramsey at tufts.edu
Mon Jul 16 12:45:24 PDT 2007

[Circulate widely, and attend if you can!]

Sick and tired of the war, the White House war-mongers, and fed up with 
a Congressional "opposition" that refuses to take these war-criminals 
down (via impeachment), even when a majority of Americans want them to?!

Please join the Davis Square End the War Committee in Somerville, in 
the heart of Davis Square, Monday July 23rd for a rush-hour rally 
/"Honk-Out" as we demand that Congress:

"Impeach the War Criminals and End the War, Now!"

Monday, July 23rd.
approximately 5-7pm (or until the end of rush-hour)
(in the heart of Davis Square, accross from the Somerville Theatre)

Bring noisemakers, wear orange (for impeachment!), and make signs 
calling for passing traffic to "Honk to Impeach Dick Cheney!"  "Honk to 
Overthrow King George!"  and "Honk to End the War Now!"  Let's show the 
local media, the politicians, and community at large how Bostonians 
feel about impeachment and the war!  (We will also be distributing 
literature and gathering support for impeachment and the anti-war 
movement from locals in the area during the rally.)

In light of the growing public support for impeaching George W. Bush 
(recent polls show 45% in favor), and Dick Cheney (same poll shows 
54%--a majority!--in favor), and the general collapse of public support 
for the ongoing criminal US war and occupation of Iraq, we believe that 
it's well-past time for some hell-razing, as well as some local 
outreach to get more people actively involved in the movement to 
impeach Cheney and Bush, to end the war in Iraq, as well as to prevent 
a US attack on Iran in the 18 months ahead.  Positive (anti-war, 
anti-Bush) poll numbers are not enough!  We need to activate and 
organize our communities against these war criminals...before they get 
the chance to act again.

(For more on the _still_ looming Cheney-led U.S. conspiracy to attack 
Iran, see www.antiwar.com.)

Our Davis Square "Honk-Out" is further scheduled to coincide with Cindy 
Sheehan's recently announced deadline for Rep. Nancy Pelosi to come out 
for impeachment, or else face Sheehan in her district's Congressional 
election.  Sheehan and other anti-war activists will be holding a 
Washington D.C. sit-in while we rally in Somerville.  Let's help the 
movement for Impeachment to get maximum exposure!

(Visit www.afterdowningstreet.org for more informaiton on Cindy 
Sheehan's July 23rd action.)

Also for more info on why it's important to remove Bush and Cheney from 
office NOW, see www.worldcantwait.org, as well as www.counterpunch.org.

See you in the Square,
Joe Ramsey
Davis Square End the War Committee

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