[act-ma] DISSENT Radio Saturday, 90.3 FM

John Grebe john at SoundsOfDissent.org
Fri Jul 27 19:06:37 PDT 2007

               (     (    (   (  ( (.) )  )   )    )     )   
               S o u n d s    o f    D i s s e n t  

Saturday radio:  fast-action news & politics amid the usual global crises

July 28, 11 am - 1 pm on 90.3 FM in Greater Boston (web stream link below)


- A U.S. health agency withheld for five years their data showing toxic dioxin 
in the blood of Louisiana residents near oil & vinyl chemical factories. This 
historically African-American community has no state voting rights; no say in 
how polluting corporations conduct business next door. We'll hear from the 
community group who demanded the data and filed a petition against the U.S. 
government with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the 
Organization of American States. They await a response from the U.S. State 
Department. Monique Harden is an attorney with Advocates for Environmental 
Human Rights in Louisiana. Dorothy Felix is with Mossville Environmental Action 
See http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/07/25/2770/

- Has U.S. farm legislation made you fat, or just diseased?
We ask John W. Boyd, Jr., who negotiated a $20 million trade agreement with 
Fidel Castro of Cuba. He founded the National Black Farmers Association. And 
Chuck Hassebrook--he helped pass Nebraska's anti-corporate farming amendment. 
He's with the Center for Rural Affairs.

- Brydie Ragan says there's one key to good health no one talks about:  money.
Research shows lower socio-economic status may be more harmful to health than 
risky personal habits.

- and more to come.

- All happening live Saturday, 11 a.m. - 1 pm. EDT
On 90.3 FM WZBC heard throughout Greater Boston
Web streams linked from http://www.wzbc.org/listen.html

               (     (    (   (  ( (.) )  )   )    )     )   
               S o u n d s    o f    D i s s e n t  

Tune in Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Truth & Justice Radio news & public affairs, Sundays, 6 - 10 a.m. 
This Week in Palestine, Sundays 9 - 9:30 a.m.
Democracy Now! radio news, Monday - Friday, 12 -1 p.m.

Saturday produced & hosted by John Grebe
Co-producing Engineer, Greg Mailloux
Headlines Editor, Tracy Brown
write: john at SoundsOfDissent.org

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