[act-ma] Sat 9/8 Report from Utah coal miners struggle for safety and the union

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 4 19:19:31 PDT 2007

The Militant Labor Forum presents:
  The fight for union organization and safety in the mines today 
  Report back from Militant reporting team in the coalfields
              On Sunday September 2, a spokesperson for the Mine Safety and Health Administration announced that the search for six coal miners missing since an August 6 collapse at the Crandall Canyon mine near Huntington, Utah was being called off.
              For weeks the families of the trapped miners and working people across the country watched as company and government officials sought to divert public attention away from those responsible for the tragedy -- the mining company and its officers.  Meanwhile these same forces, charged with the rescue operation, dragged their feet on implementing measures that could have possibly rapidly reached the men, while endangering and eventually sacrificing even more lives August 16 in a risky tunneling effort.
              Come discuss at this week’s Militant Labor forum the stakes for all working people in the ongoing struggle to unionize, and the fight for safety in, the coal mines.
  Speaker: William Estrada, Socialist Workers party candidate for Boston city council, at large; member of Militant reporting team in Utah  Saturday, September 8 
Reception 5:00 pm, Program 6 pm  Suggested Donation Program $5
Traducción inglés-español / español-inglés  The Militant Labor Forum Hall, 13 Bennington Street, 2nd Floor, East Boston 
For more information call 617-569-9169
  Directions:T Blue line to Maverick Station. Bus or walk 5 blocks down Meridian to Bennington at Liberty Plaza
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