[act-ma] Toxics Out of Our Homes!

Danielle Connor dconnor at cleanwater.org
Mon Nov 5 13:41:05 PST 2007

      The Safer Alternatives Bill is moving to the Senate. Call your
      Senator Today.

Today, the Environment Committee of the Massachusetts legislature gave 
the Safer Alternatives Bill a favorable report and passed it on to the 
Senate! The bill will next go to the Senate Ways and Means Committee and 
we have an opportunity to get it passed in the Senate this fall.

*Please call your Senator today and ask everyone you know in 
Massachusetts to do the same.*

   1. *Find out who your State Senator is
      if you don't already know. Enter your address and then look for
      "Senator in General Court."
   2. *Tailor your message:* See below for information on where your
      Senator stands on the bill and what specific message to give to
      him or her.
   3. *Make the call:* Dial 617-722-1455 for the Senate Switchboard, or
      if you'd like their direct office phone you can find it online
      Ask for the Senator's Legislative Director.
   4. *Deliver your message:* Here's a general message but to make your
      message stronger, tailor it to your Senator:

          I'm a constituent of Senator ________, calling in support of
          An Act for a Healthy Massachusetts, Safer Alternatives to
          SENATOR.] The Environment Committee just gave the bill a
          favorable report and it is on its way to Senate Ways and
          Means. Please ask the Senator to express his/her for the bill
          to Chairman Panagiotakos and urge him to give it a favorable
          report as soon as possible. I'd like to get a call back to
          find out if the Senator will do this.

   5. *Don't let your impact stop there;* Ask everyone you know in
      Massachusetts to call their Senator too.
   6. *After you call, let us know that you called and what you
      learned.* Report to Elizabeth: esaunders at cleanwater.org
      <mailto:esaunders at cleanwater.org> or call 617-338-8131 x203.

Specific talking points for each Senator to add to the message above:

    * Robert Antonioni - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If
      yes, "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Edward Augustus (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Steven Baddour (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Frederick Berry - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If yes,
      "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Stephen Brewer (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Scott Brown (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Steven Buoniconti - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If
      yes, "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Gale Candaras (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Harriette Chandler (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor
      of this important legislation!
    * Robert Creedon (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Cynthia Creem (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Benjamin Downing (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor
      of this important legislation!
    * Susan Fargo (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Anthony Gallucio - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If
      yes, "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Jack Hart - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If yes,
      "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * (Robert Havern is no longer a Senator, his seat is Vacant)
    * Robert Hedlund (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Patricia Jehlen (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Brian Joyce (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Michael Knapik - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If yes,
      "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Thomas McGee (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Joan Menard - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If yes,
      "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Mark Montigny (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Richard Moore (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Michael Morrissey - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If
      yes, "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Therese Murray (President) - Ask: Does the Senator support the
      bill? (If yes, "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Robert O'Leary (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Marc Pacheco (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Steven Panagiotakos (Chair of Senate Ways and Means, Co-sponsor) -
      Special message: Thank you for being a co-sponsor of this
      important legislation, As Chair of Senate Ways & Means we're
      counting on your support. Please give the bill a favorable report
      as soon as possible!
    * Anthony Petruccelli - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of this
      important legislation!
    * Pamela Resor (Co-Chair of the Environment Committee, Co-sponsor) -
      Special message: Thank you for your support and hard work on this
      bill as Chair of the Environment Committee and for leading that
      committee to give the bill a favorable report!
    * Stanley Rosenberg (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor
      of this important legislation!
    * Karen Spilka (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Bruce Tarr (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of this
      important legislation!
    * James Timilty (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Richard Tisei - Ask: Does the Senator support the bill? (If yes,
      "Thank you" if No, "why not?")
    * Steven Tolman (Primary sponsor, Vice Chair of Senate Ways & Means)
      - Special message: Thank you for your sponsorship of the bill and
      for your hard work! Please to all that you can to get it passed
      quickly in the Senate!
    * Susan Tucker (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Marian Walsh (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor of
      this important legislation!
    * Dianne Wilkerson (co-sponsor) - Thank you for being a co-sponsor
      of this important legislation!

The Safer Alternatives Bill (/An Act for a Healthy Massachusetts: Safer 
Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals/), sponsored by Representative Jay 
Kaufman and Senator Steven Tolman, will create a pragmatic and flexible 
program to replace toxic chemicals with safer alternatives. Up to this 
point, the bill numbers were H-783 and S-558 but it will soon be 
assigned a new bill number. When it was filed in January it was 
co-sponsored by 30 Senators and 84 Representatives.

Passage from the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and 
Agriculture is an important first step in the legislative process and 
we're looking forward to working with the Senate Ways and Means 
Committee to take the bill to the next step.

For questions about the bill or to find out how you can help more, don't 
hesitate to contact me at 617-338-8131 x203 or esaunders at cleanwater.org 
<mailto:esaunders at cleanwater.org>

Danielle Connor
Environmental Health Organizer
Clean Water Action
Clean Water Fund
262 Washington St. #301
Boston, MA 02108
617.338.8131 x205

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