[act-ma] Sun. 2/10, global warming film, 7pm

Loie Hayes loiehayes at verizon.net
Tue Feb 5 20:48:15 PST 2008

Sunday, Feb 10, 7pm
Film showing: "The Great Warming"
narrated by Keanu Reeves and Alanis Morissette
and discussion about conserving energy and creating green jobs with Green
for All!
THE GREAT WARMING bridges the divide between science and religion on
environmentalism. While renowned scientists explain the facts, religious
leaders urge us to regard climate change and care for the Earth as a moral
and spiritual issue. Watch citizens from around the world tell their stories
of how global warming is affecting their lives, see students engaged in the
battle for energy conservation, listen to green innovators explain their
ideas and illustrate technological solutions....all while taking in footage
from China, Peru, Italy, Bangladesh, England, Mongolia, Louisiana,
California, Hawaii, Nunavut, British Columbia and more. Get informed and get
empowered to take action!
Boston Climate Action Network
565 Boylston Street (Community Church of Boston)
Copley Square
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