[act-ma] Feb. 9 forum on the presidential elections and the working class alternative

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 6 15:51:49 PST 2008

The Militant Labor Forum presents:


The 2008 Presidential Race


What the
candidates are saying on questions from the 
economy to the “war on terrorism”
to immigrant rights 


Come to a discussion on the issues
being raised by the candidates and learn about the working class alternative in
the 2008 election - Róger Calero - the Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. president. Hear
a discussion of the candidates’ stand on war plans for Iraq, Afghanistan and
Pakistan; and why rightist figures such as Patrick Buchanan are so opposed to
McCain; and what the working class should demand in the face of a deepening
economic crisis. 


Speaker: Laura Garza, representative
Socialist Workers Party


Saturday, February 96pm Dinner, 7pm Program

Militant Labor Forum Hall13
Bennington Street, 2nd FloorEast
Boston, MA 02128

 Suggested donation: $5 dinner, $5 program


For more information call 617-569-9169 

or email bostonmlf at yahoo.com

Traducción inglés-español / español-inglés 

Visit themilitant.com and pathfinderpress.com 
websites for
news, analysis, books, and pamphlets.


T Blue Line to Maverick Station, bus or walk 5 blocks
down Meridian to Bennington at Liberty Plaza

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