[act-ma] 02/19 Technology for positive social change, Cambridge (Tues)

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Fri Feb 15 12:28:44 PST 2008

Dear ACT-MA Colleagues,

Please join us for the next Ethos Roundtable session!

Tuesday, February 19th
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Charles Hotel
1 Bennett Street
Harvard Square, Cambridge
Featured guest: Jayne Karolow, LocaModa
Topic:  "Is Wikipedia Helping or Hindering Social Change?"

The Ethos Roundtable is an informal group of people who are interested
in 1) measuring and extending ethos, and 2) using technology for
positive social change.  We get together once a month for informal
discussions and presentations.  This is a totally non-scary setting,
if you're interested in an introduction to the question of how
information and communication technologies can be used for positive
social change.  The attendees range from distraught technophobes to
hardcore geeks.

At the conclusion of the Ethos Roundtable session, we will stroll down
the hall to enjoy the good company, food, and drink at the 501 Tech
Club that is so generously underwritten by TechFoundation. The 501
Tech Club is the monthly gathering of technology professionals who
work with nonprofit organizations. All Ethos Roundtable attendees are
welcome at the Boston 501 Tech Club, and vice versa.

There's no need to make a reservation to attend Ethos Roundtable
events. Please just come if you can, and feel free to invite others.
However, if you're planning to attend the Boston 501 Tech Club event
at 6:00 pm, we ask that you send an email to Kathleen Sherwin of
TechFoundation (ksherwin AT techfoundation DOT org).  Since the folks
at TechFoundation will be providing free food and drink, it's
courteous to let them know how much to order.

See you on Tuesday!

Best regards from Deborah

P.S.  More information about the Ethos Roundtable is available at

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu

Recommended reading:
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

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